满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

从方框中所给的句子中选出适当的语句填入下面的对话中。 A. Personally...


A. Personally, the most important thing is to use different techniques to make people laugh.

B. Go ahead, please.

C. You know, I’m a comedian.

D. What are you doing at this moment?

E. I wish it would be the funniest I’ve ever shown.

F. I plan to dress up as Santa Claus and give gifts to children.

A: Mr. Bean, I’m a reporter from CCTV, can I ask you some questions?

B:    1     

A: What do you think is of the most importance in your job: fame, success, or something else?

B:    2    We usually don’t use any words. Our clothes, make-up and the way we act can create fun.

A:    3    

B: I’m getting ready for a honor show. I have an act with a monkey. I’ve decided to act as if I were lovelier than the monkey.    4    That’s why I have worked very hard to prepare these days.

A: Aha, I can’t wait to enjoy the show. What are your plans for your next show?

B:    5    I intended to give my audience a one-hour show which is full of happiness.

A: Thank you very much.

B: Don’t mention it.


 B  A  D  E  F 【解析】略





Dear teachers and friends, I’d like to say something before Tracy goes back fo England.







That’s all. Thank you.




20 October

I'm very tired today. 61)We had a Maths test at school. It was very challenging. I studied a lot yesterday and stayed up very late. 62)今天上午我感到不舒服。 But I still think I did a good job in the test. I hope so ! 63) I’m afraid I did badly. Mum and Dad may regret that they bought me such an expensive bicycle.  64) 我的朋友们说我不用担心。 but, anyhow, 65) I’m still nervous about my results.

58. _______________________________________________________________________

59. _______________________________________________________________________

60. _______________________________________________________________________

61. _______________________________________________________________________

62. _______________________________________________________________________




We leave London on 15 July, and we’ll be taking a flight to Morocco in northern Africa. We’re going to ride camels through the Sahara Desert. It’s the biggest desert in the world―about the size of the US! I expect it will be very hot, dry and dusty there. We’ll be travelling by camel with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground. I’ve heard that, in the Sahara, there is no shade during the day, and the stars seem especially brilliant on clear nights. I’ll bring a flashlight with me so that I’ll be able to see in the dark. Altogether, the trip will take six days. That means I’ll have to sit on a camel for almost a week―how uncomfortable! I hope my camel likes me!

1.Where will the writer take a trip to?(回答词数不超过5个词)


2.What’s the weather like in the Sahara Desert?(回答词数不超过6个)


3.How long will the writer stay there?(回答词数不超过3个)





One day, in spring, four lawyers were riding their horses along a country road.

There had been a storm, and the ground was very soft. Water was dripping(滴) from the trees, and the grass was wet. As they were passing through a grove(树丛) of small trees, they heard a great fluttering(拍翅) over their heads and a weak chirping(唧唧声) in the grass.

“What is the matter here?” asked the first lawyer, whose name was Speed. “Oh, it’s only some birds!” said the second lawyer, whose name was Hardin. “The storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest. They are too young to fly, and the mother bird must be very worried about them.”

“What a pity! They’ll die down there in the grass,” said the third lawyer.

“Oh, well! They’re noting but birds,” said Hardin. “Why should we bother?”

Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before. In a few minutes they forgot about the birds.

However, the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped. He got down from his horse and very gently put the little ones in his big warm hands. They did not seem frightened, but chirped softly, as if they knew they were safe. Then he looked up to find the nest from which they had fallen. It was much higher than he could reach from the ground, so Lincoln climbed up the tree. He put the birds softly one by one into their warm little home.

Soon the other three lawyers stopped at a spring(泉) to give their horses water.

“Where’s Lincoln?” asked one.

All were surprised to find that Lincoln was not with them.

In a few minutes Lincoln joined them. His shoes were covered with mud.

“Hello, Abraham!” said Hardin. “Where have you been?”

“I stopped a minute to give those birds to their mother,” he answered.

Then all three of them laughed heartily

Then all three of them laughed heartily. They thought it so foolish that a strong man should take so much trouble just for some worthless little birds.

“Gentlemen,” said Lincoln, “I would not sleep well tonight if I had left those helpless little birds on their own in the wet grass.”

Abraham Lincoln afterwards became very famous as a lawyer and statesman. He was then elected president. Next to Washington, he is regarded as one of the greatest American presidents.

Saving the birds


Two birds fell out their   53  in a tree with the rest in the nest fluttering.

The four lawyers’ attitudes towards the birds were not the same.



The third lawyer

Abraham Lincoln

He just  54  what was going on here.

He didn’t care about the birds.

He showed  55  for the birds’ fate.

He stopped, picked the birds up and found where they had fallen. With great difficulty he climbed up to the nest which was   56  up in the tree and put the birds back, but the others laughed at him.

The greatness of a   57  man lies not only in his achievements but in his noble mind.



Emma Hart Willard (1787—1870) was an American pioneer educator. In her time, colleges and universities were open only to men, and women were not permitted to attend.

Emma received advanced education at home from her father and became a school teacher at twenty. She continued to teach at school for several years after her marriage. Then began offer college lessons in her home to women students. Later she founded a school in New York State, which was the first school that offered higher education in the US for women.

Emma Willard also tried to persuade New York State to pass a law to allow women to attend public colleges and universities, though that did not come about until after her death. Some years later people remembered her for her life-long efforts and elected her to the US Hall of Fame (荣誉) in 1905.

1.Emma received advanced education at home because _________.

A.universities were only for men at that time

B.her father did not trust the schools

C.her family was poor when she was young

D.she was too shy to go to a public college

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.She managed to persuade her state to pass a law allowing women to go to universties.

B.She went on with her teaching after she got married.

C.She received advanced education by teaching herself.

D.She was elected to work in the US Hall of Fame.

3.What do you suppose the US Hall of Fame is?

A.It is a grand hall where honoured people receive prizes from the government.

B.It is a place where honoured people in the US are buried.

C.It is a building set up in memory of great American people.

D.It is a house of representatives to which respected people are elected.

4.Why was Emma Willard considered an important person?

A.She was the first woman to get college education.

B.She fought for equal rights for women in the US.

C.She was the first American woman to become a college teacher.

D.She was a pioneer in winning higher education for women in the US.



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