满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was announced that only when the fire...

It was announced that only when the fire was _________ would residnts(居民) be permitted to return to their homes.

A.under control

B.in control of

C.beyond control

D.out of control


A 【解析】本题考查介词短语。句意:据宣称只有当火势得到控制的时候,居民们才可以返回家中。under control被控制住;处于控制之下。

Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _________ when he _________ at the party.

A.left; arrived

B.had left; arrived

C.left; had arrived

D.had left; had arrived



I will bring a flashlight with me _________ I will be able to see in the dark.

A.in case

B.up close

C.so that

D.in advance



Isn’t it lovely to think that I _________ myself on the sunny beach tomorrow at this time?

A.am enjoying

B.will enjoy

C.shall enjoy

D.will be enjoying



The old man said that the accident _________ careless driving, so a lot of money _________ by the driver.

A.due to; be paid

B.was due to; should be paid

C.was due to; be paid

D.is due to; be paid



—I’m sure Andrew will win the first prize in the final.

—I think so. He _________ for it for months.

A.was preparing

B.is preparing

C.has been preparing

D.had been preparing



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