满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的...



Going back to school is a very exciting event for my two boys. It means getting new school bags and books, and seeing friends again after the summer holiday.

My oldest son, 9-year-old Salem, asked me several times where we would go to buy a backpack, while my other son, 6-year-old Abdullah, asked what school would be like this year.

For the last three years, school was a nightmare for many children and their parents as violence increased and there were more attacks on schools and teachers. As a result, many parents prevented their children from going to school. One of six children in this country did not attend primary school in 2009. Many kids who did attend school were accompanied by a parent for the entire day to make sure nothing happened to their children.

For poor families or those with large families, back to school can be an expensive time. The government gives some help to those living in poor neighborhoods, and school bags, note books and other items(商品) are given for free.

Most of the merchants who sell notebooks and pens now sell their products out on the street instead of in stores. They sit on the ground and lay their items on the ground or they have a small table to sell their goods.

The bags cost between $10 and $20, while clothes and shoes cost between $20 and $30. I found all the things I needed for my sons and even bought something for myself. I spent about $50 on each of them, including school uniforms.

At the end of the day, we returned to our home carrying many shopping bags filled with items that made my children happy and excited to go back to school. I just hope this school year will be a peaceful one.

56.The author’s children are ________ to go to school.

A. eager                       B. afraid                              C. unwilling                 D. surprised

57.The underlined word “nightmare” is the closest in meaning to ________.

A. fantasy                     B. dream world                    C. prison                      D. terrible situation

58.Many children are not going to school mainly because of ________.

A. the terrible education system                         B. security problems and poverty

C. parents’ distrust in schools                             D. the government’s inability

59.As a parent, the author ________.

A. is unable to afford his kids’ schooling   B. is unwilling to send his kids to school

C. hopes his kids have a happy school life        D. complains school education costs too much


56~59  ADBC   【解析】略

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. People quickly going home for the weekend  36  their paces and put some  37  into the hat of the young man.  

The next day, the young artist came again, and put his  38  on the ground gently. Different from the day before, he  39  a large piece of paper on the ground and put some stones on it. Then he  40  the violin and began playing.

  Before long, the young violinist was  41  by people, who were all attracted by the words on that paper. It said, “ 42 , a gentleman named George Sang put a(n)  43  thing into my hat  44 . Please come to claim it soon.”

  It caused a great excitement and people  45  what it could be. After about half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and  46  through the crowd to the violinist and grabbed his  47  and said, “Yes, it’s you. I knew that you’re an  48  man and would certainly come here.”

  The violinist took out a lottery ticket(彩票) on which George Sang’s name was seen and gave it to George, who  49  the lottery ticket and kissed it, then he  50  with the violinist.

The story turned out to be like this: George Sang  51  a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards opened yesterday and he won a prize of $500, 000. So he felt very  52  after work the night before and felt the music was so wonderful that he put 50 dollars in the hat.  53 , the lottery ticket was also thrown in.

Through our lives, we can gain a lot and lose so much. But being honest  54  always be with us. If we bear ourselves in a dishonest way, we may succeed  55 . However, from the long-term view, we will be losers.

36.A. sped up                    B. slowed down            C. set                                  D. kept

37.A. money                        B. tickets                      C. food                               D. cards

38.A. violin                      B. wallet                      C. hat                                  D. note

39.A. found                      B. noticed                     C. laid                                 D. stuck

40.A. moved                  B. cleaned                    C. admired                          D. adjusted

41.A. surrounded            B. praised                    C. encouraged                   D. questioned

42.A. Last week                 B. Yesterday morning    C. This afternoon                 D. Last night

43.A. useful                      B. important                 C. new                                D. strange

44.A. on purpose               B. at once                            C. by mistake                       D. with care

45.A. knew                       B. wondered                 C. realized                           D. noticed

46.A. walked                     B. forced                      C. passed                             D. rushed

47.A. violin                      B. ticket                       C. shoulders                         D. ears

48.A. honest                  B. interesting                C. important                        D. exciting

49.A. seized                      B. received                   C. dropped                          D. purchased

50.A. argued                        B. danced                            C. left                                 D. stayed

51.A. printed                     B. possessed                C. lost                                 D. bought

52.A. happy                      B. desperate                 C. grateful                           D. hopeful

53.A. Therefore                 B. However                  C. Besides                           D. Fortunately

54.A. can                          B. may                         C. should                             D. would

55.A. finally                            B. completely               C. happily                           D. temporarily



.—Let’s back up. Where was I?


A.You were in the kitchen.

B.You left your book at home.

C.You were having a rest.

D.You were talking about the cause.



If you ______ half an hour every day for English reading, you are sure to improve your reading ability.

A.set aside

B.put away

C.take up

D.give off



Hi, somebody ______ the window, please. It’s too cold in here.



C.will close

D.is closing



______ you think you can or not, you must finish the project before Friday.







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