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South Korea has offered about 10,000 to...


    South Korea has offered about 10,000 tons of corn to North Korea, in what would be the first official aid to its hungry neighbor for almost two years.The South also offered 20 tons of milk powder and medicine for children, pregnant women and other vulnerable people, its unification ministry said.The proposed shipmen would be through the Red Cross.It would be the first official one since a conservative government came to power in Seoul in February 2008.The South Korean administration of President Lee Myung-bak has linked major assistance to progress on denuclearisation.

    However, after months of bitter hostility, the communist North began making peace overtures(提议,提案) to the South in recent months.Persistent media reports have also said the two sides have held preliminary talks about a possible summit.

    The amount of food aid on offer is tiny relative to the needs in what the United Nations recently described as the famine-hit North.A third of North Korean women and young children are malnourished(营养不良的) and the country will run short of almost 1.8 million tons of food this year, the United Nations World Food Program said in a report last month.The unification ministry admitted it was far less than needed but said the North must mend relations before shipments could be increased.

    "We cannot say 10,000 tons is sufficient in view of North Korea's food shortage and other conditions," said ministry spokeswoman Lee Jong-Joo."We are providing purely humanitarian aid," she said.

    "There is no change in our position that massive food aid depends on how relations between the two Koreas develop," she said.North Korea has yet to respond to the latest offer, made through the Red Cross.But Yonhap news agency said it was likely co-ordinated in advance before the announcement.

    Last year the South offered 50,000 tons of corn, but the North rejected the shipment amid high tensions.

    North Korea has relied on food aid from China, South Korea and aid agencies to feed millions of its people since a famine in the 1990s resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.


1.How would North Korea be offered about 10,000 tons of corn from South Korea?

    A.North Korea would buy corn from South Korea.

    B.North Korea would exchange with South Korea.

    C.The offer would be through the Red Sea..

    D.The offer would be through an international organization

2.About whether South Korea would go on offering assistance, we can infer from the passage that________________.

    A.they would go on without any condition

    B.they would go on if there was a famine in North Korea

    C.it depended on how their relation would develop

    D.it depended on whether North Korea needed it

3.How did North Korea survive since a famine in the 1990s?

    A.They depended on the international aid from all other countries

    B.They developed their agriculture to increase the production

    C.They expanded the agricultural land

    D.They relied on food aid from China, South Korea and aid agencies

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

    A. It’s about the aid to South Korea from North Korea

    B.It tells about the help between South Korea and North Korea

    C.It’s about the help to the Poor

    D.It tells about an action of the Red Cross


1.D  2.C 3.D 4.D


    Unnoticed and unappreciated for five decades,a large female turtle (龟)with a stained(彩色的),leathery(粗而硬的) shell is now a precious commodity(物品)in Changsha’s old zoo.She is fed on a special diet of raw meat.Her small pool has been covered with glass which can defend it from bullets.A special camera monitors her movements.A guard is posted at night.

    The purpose is simple:the turtle must not die.

    Earlier this year,scientists concluded that she was the planet’s last known female Yangtze giant soft shell turtle.She is about 80 years old and weighs almost 90 pounds.

    As it happens,the planet also has only one known male.He lives at a zoo the city of Suzhou.He is 100 years old and weighs about 200 pounds.They are the last hope of saving a species believed to be the largest freshwater turtles in the world.

    “It’s a very dangerous situation,” said Peter Pritchard, a famous turtle expert in the United States,who has helped try to save the species.、

    For many Chinese people,the turtle is the symbol of health and long life,but the last two Yangtze giant soft-shell creatures show the threatened state of wildlife and biodiversity(生物多样性)in China.Pollution, hunting and over development are destroying natural habitats,and also endangering the plant and the animal population.

    China contains some of the world’s richest treasures of biodiversity, yet the latest major survey of plants and animals shows a discouraging picture.Nearly 40 percent of all mammal species in China are now endangered, Scientists say.For plants,the situation is worse;70 percent of all nonflowering plant species and 86 percent of flowering species are considered threatened.

1.Why is the turtle in Changsha specially cared?

    A.She has been unnoticed and unappreiated five decades.

    B.She can be sold at a high price.

    C.She is the planet’s last known female Yangtze giant soft-shell turtle.

    D.She is old and heavy.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

    A.The turtle in Changsha is precious because it is the symbol of health and long life.

    B.Peter Pritchard believes the female turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in the world.

    C.The female turtle is in a dangerous situation where she may be killed.

    D.The female turtle in Changsha and the male turtle in Suzhou are the last hope of saving the largest freshwater turtle species in the world.

3.According to the text ________in China.

    A.there are the richest species of living things

    B.wild plants and animals are becoming fewer

    C.turtles are specially protected

    D.the situation of plants is better than that of mammal species

4.The last paragraph proves the threatened state of wildlife and biodiversity in China by__________ .

    A.facts and numbers                B.Peter Pritchard’S words

    C.teaching theory                  D.telling a story





    There is a wonderful fable about a young girl who had no family and no one to love her.One day, feeling sad and  1, she was walking through a meadow (草地) when she noticed a small   2caught in a thorn (荆棘)bush.The more the butterfly   3to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its body.The young girl carefully released the butterfly   4the thorns.   5flying away , the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy .The young girl rubbed (搓) her eyes in  6

    “For your wonderful kindness,” the good fairy said to the girl, “I will grant(准予,实现) you any word you  7like.”

    The little girl thought   8and then replied, “I want to be happy!”

    The fairy said, “Very well,” and leaned toward her and   9in her ear.Then the good fairy suddenly disappeared.

    As the little girl  10, there was no one in the land as  11as she.Everyone asked her the  12of her happiness.She would only smile and answer, “The reason for my happiness is   13I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”

    When she was very old and on her deathbed, the  14all came together around her, being  15that the fabulous (传说的) secret of happiness would  16her.“Tell us, please,” they begged.“Tell us what the good fairy said.”

    The lovely old woman   17smiled and said, “She told me that everyone,  18old or young, rich or poor they seemed, had  19of me.”

    Happiness is the most precious thing in the world, which can be obtained in different ways.And happiness is also the simplest thing if you just do what you should do.It’s   20that if you love and help others you’ll get it.

1.A.alone            B.lonely        C.hopeless      D.helpful

2.A.bird             B.ant                              C.worm           D.butterfly

3.A.struggled       B.stuck                            C.struck         D.stretched

4.A.of               B.from           C.away           D.off

5.A.In spite of                        B.In place of                  C.Instead of      D.In short of

6.A.disbelieve      B.disbelief      C.belief                       D.believe

7.A.had              B.will                             C.would      D.should

8.A.for a moment     B.in a moment    C.at the moment D.over the moment

9.A.said             B.told                             C.whispered          D.talked

10.A.turned up      B.brought up     C.came up        D.grew up

11.A.rich            B.beautiful                        C.happy          D.elegant

12.A.key             B.secret                           C.resource  D.way

13.A.that            B.because                          C.why        D.for

14.A.families                          B.friends                      C.neighbors        D.guests

15.A.afraid          B.frightened                       C.concerning         D.glad

16.A.die off                           B.die out                      C.die away         D.die with

17.A.simply          B.justly                           C.rightly            D.quitely

18.A.how             B.however        C.whenever       D.when

19.A.need            B.request        C.require       D.demand

20.A.sure           B.certain                          C.possible           D.impossible



 --She looks very happy.She ________have passed the exam.

    --I guess so.It’s not difficult after all.

    A.should         B.must           C.could          D.might



 Progress _________ so far very good and he is sure that his new book will be finished on time.

    A.was            B.had been       C.has been       D.will be



 _______ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.

    A.The president will attend                          B.The president to attend

    C.The president attended                            D.The president's attending



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