满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—So far, Confucius Institute(孔子学院) has b...

So far, Confucius Institute(孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries.

And Chinese is________spoken in those countries.

A.widely B.badly C.hardly D.finally


A 【解析】 句意:——到目前为止,在许多其他国家都成立了孔子学院。——在这些国家,汉语被广泛使用。 考查副词辨析。widely广泛;badly严重地;hardly几乎不;finally最后。根据“many other countries”可知汉语的使用程度很广泛。故选A。  

In recent yearsmore and more people practice Yoga in their free time.

Yeah, me too. I think practicing yoga is a ________ way to keep fit.

A.humorous B.terrible C.strange D.helpful



What's the matter with Lin Tao? He looks worried.

He is so careless that he________ his homework at home again.

A.missed B.forgot C.left D.lost



How do you usually get to work, Mike?

By bike, it is a kind of sport that uses much ________, but it keeps me healthy.

A.trouble B.stress C.energy D.support



    2019 年的冬天,一种来源于大自然的新型冠状病毒 (the virus COVID-19) 悄然从野生动物传染给人类,并且迅速席卷全球。




1. People: kill for food and clothes; cut down trees; use too much pesticide (农药)

2. Animals: lose home; not have many baby; in danger; disappear

Bad influence

1. destroy ecosystem (生态的) balance

2. diseases spread

3. make humans lonely

Your suggestions







参考词汇: 传染性的 infectious

In the world, the number of wild animals is becoming smaller and smaller. A few people are killing animals for food and clothes. Some ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



    As we all know, self-confidence is the first key to success. So we often say, "Where there is a will, there is a way."

However, confidence isn't something you have to be born with—it can be learned. What can we do to become a confident person? I'd like to share some secrets with you.

Secret 1 Make confident friends.

Confidence can spread. I have a ton of confidence that comes from friends. They love and believe in me, and they are confident themselves. If you're less confident, find friends who feel good about themselves. They can make you feel good about yourself too.

Li Guoqing

Secret 2 Show it till you feel it.

Just walking with your head held high and a smile on your face make people think you have all the confidence in the world. If you're always slouchy( 垂头丧气的), people will think you are shy and unconfident.

Zhang Chenggong

Secret 3 Believe in yourself.

If you listen to your heart, you're not letting others tell you what you can or can't do. You naturally have confidence because you're doing what you believe in and know is right.

Liu Xu

1.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.


2.Why should we make friends with people who are confident themselves?


3.What doesn't Zhang Chenggong do to show his confidence?

A.Just walking with his head held high. B.Smiling. C.Being slouchy.

4.List what we can do to have confidence according to the passage (at least two).


5.Give a proper title to the passage.




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