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Tung-po Chibi (东坡赤壁) in Huanggang Openi...


Tung-po Chibi (东坡赤壁) in Huanggang

Opening hours:

Monday—Sunday  7:30—17:30

Ticket price:

Adult: 40

Student : 20

Child (under 1.2metres): free

Old (Over 70 years old): free

All visitors from Shandong: free

Yellow Crane Tower (黄鹤楼) in Wuhan

Opening hours:

January 1st—March 31st   8:00 —17:00

April 1st— October 31st     8:00 —18:20

November 1—December 31st    8:00 —17:00

Ticket price:

Adult: 70

Student : 35

Child (under 1.2metres): free

Old (over 65 years old): free

Shennongjia Scenic Area in northwest of Hubei

Opening hours:

January 1st—March 31st        8:30—17:30

April 1st— October 31st          6:30—17:30

November 1—December 31st    8:30—17:30

Ticket price:

Adult: 164

Student: 135

Child (under 1.2metres): free

Old (Over 70 years old):free

Wudang Mountains in Shiyan

Opening hours:

Monday—Sunday    800—1700

Ticket price:

Adult: 210

Student: 105

Child (1.2~1.5 metres): 105

Old (aged 60~69):105

Child (under 1.2metres): free

Old (Over 70 years old):free



1.The four places of interest above are all in________ Province.

A.handong B.Hubei C.Wuhan D.Hebei

2.Tony is a student aged 18 from Jinan, Shandong Province. He is going to travel around Hubei Province this summer. If he visits the four places of interest, he will pay________.

A.270 B.275 C. 290 D. 295

3.Today is 18th June. Tom is usually very busy, but today he is free, so he wants to make the best of the day by playing the longest time. He had better go to________.

A.Tung-po Chibi B.Yellow Crane Tower

C.Shennongjia Scenic Area D.Wudang Mountains

4.________will most probably be interested in the text above.

A.People who enjoy travelling B.Scientists who study birds

C.Players who are good at running D.People who have a pain in the leg

5.The passage above may be taken from a(n) ________.

A.sports report B.story book

C.medical magazine D.advertisement poster


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 文章是一篇旅游广告,介绍了4个景点的开放时间和票价。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(初高中衔接题) I am worried very much because I'll miss my flight if the bus arrives ________

A.lately B.late C.latest D.latter



(创新题) Generally speaking, if a word ends with “ly” it will be an adverb, but there are exceptions. Which one is an exception in the following words?

A.Suddenly. B.Lovely. C.Quickly. D.Early.



(创新题) Which of the following words doesn't have the same stress as the others?

A.dangerous B.delicious C.different D.difficult



(易错题) Don't be  ________ when shopping. Just buy what you really need.

A.busy B.excited C.blind D.wise



(易错题) After days of hard work, I had a ________ sleep last night. Now I feel refreshed.

A.relaxing B.terrible C.key D.sound



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