满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

—Linda didn’t bring her dictionary here....

—Linda didn’t bring her dictionary here. Can you give her a hand?

—So I’ll lend _______ to ______?

A. mine; her       B. mine; she

C. my; her         D. myself; she


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:Linda没有带字典来。你能帮她一下吗? 所以把我的借给她? Mine我的名词性物主代词=my dictionary ,her 她 宾格 故选A 考点:考查代词的辨析。  

—Your father is having a meeting now. I’m afraid he can’t pick up the phone.

—Could I send him a/an __________?

A. message         B. suggestion

C. information      D. idea




以A Trip to the Zoo为题目,根据以下提示写一篇60词左右的小短文。


1. 动物园距离你家15公里;

2. 乘坐公共汽车;

3. 早上9点出发,9点40时到达;下午4点返回;

4. 在动物园的见闻;拍照;感受。












A: Li Li

B: Wang Mei

A: Hi! Long time no see! 1.________________________

B: Well, a little busy. I have six classes every day.

A: 2._____________________________

B: I have Chinese, English, math and some others.

A: 3.______________________________

B: Math. I like it very much and I will take part in the math competition next week.

A: 4._____________________________

B: Yes, I am ready. I worked hard and my teacher helped me a lot.

A: Don’t worry. 5._______________________

B: Thank you very much.

A. What’s your favourite subject?

B. You will do a good job.

C. What subjects do you have?

D. Are you ready for it?

E. Are you ready to order?

F. How is your school life going?

G. Do you like math?




Lucy and her parents 1.______ to the park last Friday. Lucy 2.______ and _3.______ kites with some children. Her parents 4._______ to their friends happily. They 5._____ a good time.

Lucy and her 6._____ usually go to the park on Saturdays. Sometimes they have a picnic in the_7.___. Now they are 8.____ a plan for next Sunday. Lucy’s father is9.______ on the chair now. Lucy and her mother are standing beside him. Oh! They 10._____ going to the countryside to see Lucy’s grandmother next Sunday.




1.I ______(take)a picture in the park yesterday.

2.They see a film_______(two) a month.

3.Can you find the ________(different)between the twins?

4.It will take a long time _________(build) a library.

5.Everything is OK, __________(especial) the food.



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