满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

I’m not sure whether we can have a picni...

Im not sure whether we can have a picnic on Saturday evening, because it _________ the weather.

A. stands for         B. lives on

C. agrees with      D. depends on


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我不确定我们是否可以在周六的晚上举行野餐,因为要取决于天气。A. stands for代表;B. lives on以……为食;C. agrees with同意,赞成;D. depends on取决于,依赖。是否可以野餐取决于天气状况。故选D。 考点:考查动词短语辨析。  

Susan, why are you still here? They are all ready to start.

I’m sorry, but I _________ when to start.

A. wasn’t told     B. wasnt said

C. didn’t tell    D. didnt say



About _____ of the workers in the factory were born in the          .

A. two thirds; 1970          B. two thirds; 1970s

C. two third; 1970s          D. two third; 1970



— Have you seen the movie Through Stunning Storms?

— Yes, it is _____ one that I’ve ever seen.

A. more exciting     B. the most excited

C. the most exciting   D. more excited



After visiting the science museum, the students don’t doubt _________?

A. how far is Mars away from the sun

B. what is the transport like on Mars

C. of the distance from the sun to Mars

D. the life on Mars will be different from the life on the Earth



He has made little progress in English,           he?

           . He is good at it now.

A. hasnt; Yes  B. doesnt; No

C. has; Yes     D. has; No



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