满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— He has made little progress in English...

He has made little progress in English,           he?

           . He is good at it now.

A. hasnt; Yes  B. doesnt; No

C. has; Yes     D. has; No


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:-他在英语方面几乎没有取得什么进步,是吗?-不,他现在学得很好了。前句是一个反意疑问句,反意疑问句由肯定的陈述句+否定的疑问尾句或是由否定的陈述句+肯定的疑问尾句构成的。Little意思是“很少,几乎没有”,意思是否定的,疑问尾句要用肯定的形式,前句是现在完成时态,尾句肯定形式用has he;对反义疑问句的回答,以事实为准,事实是肯定的,用yes作肯定回答;事实是否定的,用no作否定回答。本题由后句:他现在学得很好了。可知他进步大,事实是肯定的,用yes作答。故选C。 考点:考查反义疑问句。  

This photo reminds me          the things and persons         we met at college.

A. of; that   B. about; which

C. to; /      D. on; what



What a nice T-shirt! How much did you _________ for it?

It _________ me 200 yuan.

A. pay; cost   B. pay; paid

C. cost; pay D. cost; cost



She _________ ten years ago.

You mean she _________ him for ten years?

A. married; has got married to

B. got married; has got married with

C. got married; has been married with

D. got married; has been married to



Could you give me some advice on travelling?

Take a map with you while travelling _____ you have a guide or you know the city very well.

A. if              B. unless

C. although      D. because



Have you seen _________ TV series Nirvana in Fire (《琅琊榜》), Mum?

Yes, it’s quite _________ interesting play, so I have seen it twice.

A. a; the         B. the; an         C. a; a        D. the; the



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