满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

--What would you like to drink, coffee o...

--What would you like to drink, coffee or tea?

-- _________,I just want to drink a bottle of water.

A. Neither        B. Either

C. Both            D. None


A 【解析】 试题分析:句意:---你想喝咖啡还是茶?---两者我都不喜欢。我只想要喝一瓶水。此题考查代词A两者都不;B两者中的任何一个;C两者都。None表示三者以上都不。根据句意,故选A。 考点:考查代词。  

A lot of famous doctors gathered in New York_____ save this old woman.

A. so that          B. in order that

C. in order to     D. as a result



---Helen is an excellent girl. Everyone likes her.

---Yes. Her parents are very _____ of her.

A. afraid           B. proud

C. excited           D. funny



All the students went to the cinema.

But____ of them has come back now.

A. all           B. neither

C. none            D. no one



—Forgotten something ? I can look after your kids if you want to go and get it.

—_________. Thank you all the same.

A. It's very kind of you.

B. Oh, how careless of me.

C. I might as well go and get it.

D. Well, I can do without it.



—You look so sad. What's wrong with you?

—I bought ______ bicycle, but when I rode it, one of _____ wheels became flat.

A. a;the          B. ; the

C. a; /            D. the; a



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