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The Water World Swimming Pool is open ev...

The Water World Swimming Pool is open every day from eight o’clock in the morning until half past seven in the evening. It costs two dollars sixty to enter the pool. There is a special cheap price for students with a student card. The price is one dollar forty. But you must bring your student card with you.

On Wednesday morning the pool is only open to mothers and babies. So mothers can enjoy themselves in the water with their babies. Please leave your older children at home on Wednesday morning.

The new Water World Café will be open up on June 22nd. From the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim.

Please call 2105369 for more information. We look forward to seeing you at the Water World Swimming Pool.

1.How long is the Water World Swimming Pool open every day?

A. Eleven hours.

B. Seven hours.

C. Eleven and a half hours.

D. Seven and a half hours.

2. What is the price for students with a student card to enter the pool?

A. Two dollars.

B. One dollar forty.

C. Two dollars sixty.

D. One dollar.

3. A ten-year-old boy can’t go to the Water World Swimming Pool          .

A. on Saturday

B. on Sunday

C. on Wednesday afternoon

D. on Wednesday morning

4.From the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim  ___________.

A. on May 21st

B. on May 22nd

C. on June 23rd

D. on June 21st

5. This passage is a(n)_____________.

A. advertisement        B. note         C. story         D. slogan


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要是介绍有关水世界游泳池有关的信息。 1. Water World Swimming Pool is open every day from eight o’clock in the morning until half past seven in the evening.意思为水世界游泳池每天从上午8点钟到晚上7点半开门,总共是11个半小时,故本题选 C。 2. is a special cheap price for students with a student card. The price is one dollar forty.意思为对于拥有学生卡的学生票价是便宜的,价格为1美元40美分,故本题选B。 3. Wednesday morning the pool is only open to mothers and babies.所以说10岁的孩子在星期三是不可以去水世界游泳池的,故本题选 D。 4. new Water World Café will be open up on June 22nd. From the café you can watch the swimmers or enjoy a drink after you swim.所以说你可以在6月23日去新水世界咖啡馆,故本题选C。 5. 考点:故事类短文阅读。

Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kind of food—“dumplings”. It means “come together”. On the day before the festival,parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buy presents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕)all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance, some play cards and others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes for the coming year. They all have a good time.

1.1.Which is the most important festival in China?          .

A.Mid-autumn Festival                    B.Spring Festival

C.Children’s Day                        D.May Day

2.The Chinese usually have their Spring Festival in          .

A.January or February                   B.February or March

C.September or October                   D.December or January

3. What’s the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China?          .

A.Pork             B.Fish

C.Dumplings       D.Noodles

4.The food “dumplings” mean “          ”.

A.be delicious      B.be hungry

C.come together     D.come back

5.When they are having dinner on the festival eve, the Chinese          .

A.sing, dance and play cards

B.buy each other presents

C.never drinks

D.give each other the best wishes





A: Hi, Li Lei! 1.______

B: The Lantern Festival.

A: 2._____

B: On lunar January 15th every year.

A: 3.______

B: We eat sweet dumplings for good luck.

A: 4._____

B: We watch the lantern show and answer riddles (猜谜语).

A: I see. 5._____

B: You’re welcome.

A. What special food do you eat on that day?

B. Do you often celebrate the festival?

C. Thank you for telling me so much.

D. What’s your favorite festival?

E. The food is very delicious.

F. How do you celebrate the festival?

G. When is the festival?




One Friday night, a poor young man stood at a gate of the railway station, playing his violin. Many people put money into the hat     in front of him.

The next day, the young man came to the    of the railway station again, and put his hat on the ground. But different    what he always did in the past days, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it on the ground. It said, “Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come soon, Mr. Sang.”

About half an hour later, a middle-aged man ran to the young man       and said, “It’s you! You do come here. I know that you are an honest man and will certainly       here.” The young man asked, “Are you Mr. George Sang? Did you lose anything?” “A lottery(奖券) ticket,” answered the middle-aged man. The young man took out a lottery ticket and gave it to the man.

The prize of the lottery ticket was worth $ 500,000. Yesterday when the middle-age man knew he       . he was very happy. He took out 50 dollars and put it in the hat. However, the lottery ticket was also      in.

Later, someone asked the young man, “You       the violin in the railway station every day to make money. Why didn’t you just take the prize of the lottery ticket for yourself?” The young man said, “Although I don’t have        money, I live happily. But if I lose        , I won’t be happy forever.”

1.A. lying       B. sleeping       C. bowing       D. dropping

2.A. street      B. window        C. door        D. gate

3.A. for         B. to           C. from        D. in

4.A. slowly      B. quickly        C. strongly   D. sleepily

5.A. hide        B. come         C. flee        D. leave

6.A. lost        B. won            C. fell        D. chased

7.A. filled     B. pulled       C. kicked       D. thrown

8.A. play        B. sell           C. buy          D. repair

9.A. little     B. much          C. many         D. few

10.A. job       B. pleasure       C. honesty      D. purse




1.The nice pink band must belong to Mary, because she is the only girl in her family.

A. be Mary’s     B. is Mary’s

C. be Mary        D. are Mary

2.The teacher takes pride in his students.

A. is pride in       B. is proud in

C. is proud of        D. was proud of

3.Everyone in our town is feeling uneasy.

A.worried        B.hard          C.simple      D.difficult

4.The doctor asked him to give up smoking.

A. give to        B. go on      C. stop       D. give in

5.What do you feel like watching today?

A.want to watch   B.would to watch

C.like watching   D.sound like watching



-- Do you think teenagers should be allowed to drive?

--____________.Because teenagers aren’t serious enough.

A. I agree .      B. No, I disagree.

C. Great!       D. No way!



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