满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。...



I still remember that day. I was waiting to get some ________ for shopping in a bank.

Among the people, I noticed a little boy carrying some sunglasses in one hand and a big bag in  ________ . The boy was about 10 years old. He was walking around the people inside the bank and asked them to buy his sunglasses. But  ________ would buy any from him. He tried from one person to another. From the look on his face, I know he would not give up.

Now, I decided to have a ________  with him. I went up and asked, "Do you go to school?" He nodded his head. Then I continued(继续), "Why do you ________ sunglasses?”He said nothing. I gave him$20 and said that I was not in ________ of the sunglasses but he could keep the money. To my ________, his face changed a lot, which is still in my memory today. I didn't know ________ to say next. Then he answered, "Either you buy sunglasses or you take back the money. I don't need your pity(同情)." I felt very ________ for what I did, and I told him that I would buy two pairs.

I took these sunglasses home and kept ________ myself, “Did such a young boy need to do it for his self-respect(自尊)?”He could easily take the$20 and left. But he chose to sell his sunglasses and get the money not because of others' pity . I will remember this lesson forever

1.A. bags     B. books         C. money       D. information

2.A. another    B. others         C. the other   D. the others

3.A. nobody    B. somebody     C. everybody   D. anybody

4.A. talk       B. quarrel        C. walk        D. trade

5.A. send     B. sell           C. buy         D. give

6.A. danger   B. need         C. time       D. trouble

7.A. joy      B. surprise       C. fear        D. horror

8.A. how        B. when         C. where       D. what

9.A. worried  B. happy         C. excited     D. sorry

10.A. telling   B. answering      C. asking      D. watching


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述了作者试图帮助一个10岁的卖太阳镜的小男孩的故事。没有人买他的太阳镜,但是他不愿放弃,当作者给他20美元而不要眼镜时,他拒绝了:要么买眼镜,要么收回你的钱。作者买下两副眼镜并记住了这次教训:小男孩也有自尊。他选择卖眼镜而不是别人的怜悯而得到钱。 1.C 考查名词及语境理解。句意:我在银行里等着取一些钱买东西。A. bags袋子;B. books书;C. money钱;D. information信息。根据在“银行里”,“为了购物”,可以推测出是等着取钱。故选C。 2.C 考查代词及语境理解。句意:我发现一个小男孩一只手拿着一些太阳镜,另一只手拿着一个大袋子。A. another 另一个;B. others 其余的;C. the other两者中的另一个;D. the others其余的全部。故答案为C。 3.A考查不定代词及语境理解。句意:但是没有人愿意买他的太阳镜。A. nobody没有人;B. somebody 有人;C. everybody每个人;D. anybody任何人。结合语境理解,答案为A。 4.A考查动词及语境理解。句意:现在,我决定与他谈一谈。A. talk谈论;B. quarrel 争吵;C. walk步行;D. trade行业,贸易。从下文可知,作者打算与小男孩交流。故答案为A。 5.B考查动词及语境理解。句意:你为什么卖太阳镜?A. send 发送;B. sell 卖;C. buy买;D. give给。上文提到小男孩在卖太阳镜。故答案为B。 6.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:我给了他20美元,说我不需要太阳镜。A. danger危险;B. need需要;C. time 时间;D. trouble麻烦。从下文的内容可知,作者并不需要太阳镜,只是同情小男孩。故答案为B。 7.B考查名词及语境理解。句意:令我诧异的是,他的确变了许多。A. joy高兴;B. surprise诧异;C. fear恐怖;D. horror痛恨。根据下文,小男孩说“要么买眼镜,要么把钱拿回去”可知,小男孩感到我伤了他的自尊,因此脸色变了。但是这些令我感到惊异。故选B。 8.D考查疑问词及语境理解。句意:我不知道接下来说什么。A. how怎样,作方式状语;B. when何时,作时间状语;C. where在哪儿,作地点状语;D. what什么,问事物,作主、宾、表语。本句作say的逻辑宾语,故选D。 9.D考查形容词及语境理解。句意:我对我说的话感到非常抱歉,并告诉他我买两副眼镜。A. worried 担忧;B. happy 高兴;C. excited兴奋;D. sorry抱歉。从小男孩的话语中可以看出,小男孩不愿意接收作者给他的20美元,可知他不愿意因为别人的怜悯而得到钱。故答案为D。 10.C考查动词及语境理解。句意:我把眼镜带回家,并不断地问自己。A. telling 告诉; B. answering 回答;C. asking问;D. watching观看。作者是在问自己。故答案为C. 考点:考查故事类短文阅读。

--I will make some paper roses for my mother on Mother’s Day. ---______.

A. It sounds lovely  B. Look out

C. See you           D. You’re welcome



The movie made me ____, and also made many people ____ tears .

A. cry; full of    B. to cry; filled with

C. cry; fill with   D. cried; are full of



My best friend advised me _____it again.

A. try         B. trying    C. to trying    D. to try



Mary’s best friend likes to do the same things as she______.

A. is              B. do        C. as       D. does



--The traffic on National Day _____ very heavy!

---Right, we did not have fun.

A. is            B. was          C are         D. were



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