满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

书面表达 假如你叫陈阳,上周日从报纸上看到观鸟协会的广告。现在需用英语写一封申请...



要点: 1.你想要加入观鸟协会,成为其中的一员;



4.你的联系方式:Tel:0510—87678231   E-mail:Chenyang@qq. com。





Dear Sir/Madam,

I read your advertisement in the newspaper last Sunday.   







Yours sincerely,

Chen Yang


I would like to join the Birdwatching Society and become /be a member of it .I am a Grade 8 student.My favourite subjects are Geography and Biology.I love birds and nature .I am interested in watching birds.Last week I went to the zoo to see some rare birds and listen to the report on them .I will be happy if I can join the Birdwatching Society .Please call me on 0510—87678231 or email me at Chenyang@qq. com.I want to learn more about birds.I think it’s important for me to do something to protect the rare birds. 【解析】本篇作文叫小作者写一封申请加入观鸟协会的信,小作者首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。小作者还必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇短文不仅使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。如I will be happy if I can join the Birdwatching Society .Please call me on 0510—87678231 or email me at Chenyang@qq. com.等使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。  


When we talk about how teenagers are getting worse and worse now, most young people don’t agree. Teenagers always say they are growing up. They can have part-time jobs. They can drive cars. And they can even get married when they’re a little bit older.

Their parents say, “Our children are very good. They like pop music, but they play it in their own rooms. They help with the housework at home. You know they feel bored sometimes because there’s nothing interesting in the neighborhood, no clubs and no sports. They have nothing to do.

A teacher says that he believes most young people are very kind. He thinks that it’s not bad for young people to like loud music because it can give them lots of energy and make them feel excited .Also, a lot of young people work very hard at school, and they can get good jobs later.

Lewis, a sixteen-year-old boy said, “I have passed all my examinations, but I can’t get a part-time job because older people always think I’m lazy.”

In my opinion(观点), a lot of teenagers are very kind. They belong to community work groups. They help old people, and they also volunteer in local hospitals or primary schools to help look after the sick people and younger students.

Title: Teenagers Today

The 1.teenagers can do

Having part-time jobs;

Driving cars;

Getting married when they are a little bit older.

The reason why they feel bored

There isn’t 2.interesting in the neighborhood.

The view(观点) from their parents

They are good and do some3.at home.

The opinion from one of the teachers

Loud music can make them feel energetic and excited.

They work hard and can get good 4.later.


They are kind and5..They also do voluntary work such as taking care of the sick and younger students.





We build the nature reserve_________________________________________ wild life.


The cold weather                              ________the winter every year.


Many wild animals                 _________________________________


This new shopping mall_________________________________________1000 square metres.


If we do nothing, soon there _______________________________________in the world.


Its important _____________________________________________ birds




1.Too much homework _________ (lead) to students’ poor health.

2.Work harder, and you             (get) better grades in your lessons.

3.John’s mother often hears him ____________(sing)in his room, and the songs are beautiful.

4. Look! The little boy is swimming in the river.— I ________ (not know) he could swim.

5.Someone _____________ (knock) at the door, go and see who it is.

6.We should prevent people from               wild animals. (kill)

7.They did everything they could___________the animals in danger. (protect)

8.You will fail in the exam if you          (not be) careful.




1.If you can go closer to the birds, you can _______ (easy) watch them.

2.He looks very sad because of his             (ill).

3.You can’t find many cranes here, because they live in much _____________(wet) place.

4.Every year many             (tour) come to visit the Great Wall.




1.Different __________(政府) are doing something to improve the bad weather.

2.Words cant ___________(描述)her beauty.

3.The horse is standing with its eyes ______________.(闭着的)

4.Mr. Wu got an application from David, and he ________ (接受) it finally.



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