满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Shennongjia is a great place ___________...

Shennongjia is a great place ___________ different kinds of animals ______ live in.

A. for; to         B. to; to         C. to; for         D. for; for


A 【解析】句意:神农架对于不同种类的动物来说是一个居住的好地方。For对于……;to到……。这句话再中使用的句型是a great place for sb. to do sth.对于……来说是一个……的好地方。故应选A。  

Do you write a report ______ an animal _______ danger for the club?

A. about; on      B. on; in          C. to; from       D. in; with



—How many mistakes did you make in the exam ?—______

A. None         B. No one         C. All        D. Nothing



—What do you think of       nature reserve you visited last weekend?

—It’s great. It is       ideal home for wildlife.

A. the ; a         B. the; an         C. a; an          D. an; an




假如你是小伟,你的室友大明昨天收到你朋友Maria的电话,她正在研究中国的节日文化,需要你的帮助。现在,请你根据大明所留的便条内容,给Maria回一封电子邮件 信的开头和结尾已给出


Your friend Maria made a phone call to you yesterday. She wants to know the traditional Chinese festival – the Lantern Festival. She wants you to tell her why we like it, when and how we spend it (tell her at least 3 activities), send an email to her at maria1988 @ gmail.com. Please ask her what they do during Christmas for me.


注意:1) 80词左右;


      3)提示词: sweet rice dumplings 汤圆; play with firecrackers燃放鞭炮

To: maria1988 @ gmail.com

From: Xiaowei

Subject: The Lantern Festival

Dear Maria,

    How are you? ________________________________________________________






   By the way, what do you usually do during Christmas?





Children know that summer is probably the most fun of all seasons.1._, especially, for children aged 14 and under. In the first study of children’s safety in the US, the National Safe Kids Campaign(运动) (NSKC) found that nearly half of the injury-related (与受伤相关的) deaths among children happen in summer.

   2._. They always know summer is a dangerous season for children. During the summer, children are out of school and spend more time outdoors. 3.__. “While we encourage children to be active and spend time outdoors, they need to understand the importance of safety.” Said Everett Koop, an expert of the NSKC.

   4._, the NSKC started a “Make it a Safe Kids Summer” Campaign during National Safe Kids Week, from May 5 through May 12. Here are some important summer safety tips from the NSKC:

● Always wear your seat belt.

● Make sure there is an adult around when you decide to go swimming.


● Obey all traffic laws.

A. They are more likely to get into an accident or be injured.

B. To help children stay safe.

C. Experts are not surprised by the study’s results.

D. However, experts say it is also the most dangerous.

E. Wear a life jacket (救生衣) when on a boat or doing water sports.

F. Children can’t go outside in summer.




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