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阅读理解 Many kids go to day camp during the...


Many kids go to day camp during the summer. They can have a lot of fun, but the schedule is almost the same. You start camp in the morning and go home in the afternoon. Sometimes, a bus takes you there or you might get a ride there. It might take you some time to like the place, the camp teacher, and the kids. But you go home every night, just like what you do during the school year.

Sleepaway camp makes you feel more excited because you’ll be there all day. It’s a kind of holiday, but without your parents. You’ll sleep in a dormitory (集体寝室) with other kids of the camp. You’ll eat together in a large dining hall and you’ll share the bathroom with other kids.

Some sleepaway camps are coed. That means there are both boys and girls at the camp. Some camps are just for girls or just for boys, but often these all-girl and all-boy camps meet up for dances and parties.

1.The underlined word “schedule” means “   ” in Chinese.

A. 营规   B. 日程表  C. 构思    D. 名单

2.The writer thinks    .

A. no kid likes going to day camp

B. sleepaway camp is more exciting

C. day camp is a safer way to camp

D. going to sleepaway camp is hard

3.At the sleepaway camp, kids will    .

A. share the bathroom with other kids.

B. make meals

C. go home in the afternoon

D. do like what they do at school

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Sleepaway camp is the same as any other kind of camp.

B. Girls can’t go to sleepaway camp.

C. Kids go to sleepaway camp without their parents.

D. Most sleepaway camps are for boys.

5.This passage is    .

A. to tell us what we can do at the camp

B. to ask us to go to summer camp

C. about different kinds of camps

D. about differences between sleepaway camp and day camp


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文叙述了日间夏令营就是学生白天一起去参加活动,到了晚上回到自己家中过夜,而夜营指的是白天学生在一起活动,晚上都一起住在帐篷里。 1.词义猜测题。根据You start camp in the morning and go home in the afternoon可知,这里指日间夏令营的计划几乎都一样,故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据Sleepaway camp makes you feel more excited because you’ll be there all day.可知,可以住宿的营地是很有趣的,故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据you’ll share the bathroom with other kids.可知,可以和其他的孩子在一起共用浴室,故选A。 4.细节理解题。根据It’s a kind of holiday, but without your parents.可知,孩子们去营地没有父母的陪同,故选C。 5.标题归纳题。根据的内容讲述了夜营和夏令营的不同,故选D。


Helen Keller was a very bright, beautiful girl. When she was six months old, she could 1.a_____ say a few words. But before she was two years old, she was2.b_____ ill. She could not see or 3.h_____, and soon she could not even talk. Since then Helen had to fight for what she wanted. When she was six, her parents 4.i_____ a teacher for her. With the help of the teacher, she began to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ the world around her 5.t_____ her hands. She learned to read books for the blind. The teacher took Helen long walks, and told her6.a_____ all the beautiful sights. Helen touched flowers,7.c_____ the trees and smelled a rainstorm when it came. She also learned how to swim and how to ride a horse. After she grew up, she became a famous 8.w_____ in America.  Her first and 9.m_____ famous book is The Story of My Life. Her story has brought new 10. h_____ to many blind and deaf people. It has given light to those in darkness and encouraged them to live and work.




Americans spend their weekends in different ways.But usually they choose the same aim(目的)—to rest, to enjoy beautiful places and to enjoy the time with their family and friends.

Some Americans hold parties on Saturday night.1..Then they won’t get up until 9,10 or even 11 o’clock next morning.As soon as they get up they will go to the nearest comer shop to buy the daily newspaper(日报).2..It will help them to decide what to do on Sunday afternoon.Before going out on Sunday, they will have a meal, which is called “brunch”- “br’’ from “breakfast” and “unch” from “lunch”.3..After brunch some Americans may have a picnic with their family or friends.They will take many things with them, such as fresh vegetables, sea food, drinks, table cloth(桌布) and so on.Usually they drive to a beautiful park, a lake or the seaside.

  4..It is the biggest meal of the week and all family members try to present(出席).

Weekends are to be welcome everywhere.5.

A.Most people look forward to coming weekends

B.They will dance, sing and drink together till midnight

C.Sunday dinner is the most important meal of the week

D.They will make it at home or go to a restaurant nearby

E.They can get news about films, plays, shows and sports in the paper

F.Supper is so important for many people.

G. They can sell a lot of things there every day




All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same to everyone. In different countries, people have very different ideas about drinking tea.

In China, for example, people always drink tea when they are getting together. 1The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at homes or in the teahouses. They prefer plain tea, with nothing else in it.

Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called tea ceremony(茶道). It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in Japanese homes.

Another tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is “tea time”. Most people have cups of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk or sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and a few sandwiches at tea time. This is the so-called “Afternoon Tea” in Britain.

In the United States, people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea—3“iced tea”. Sometimes they drink canned iced tea, just as soda.


2.When is the “tea time” in England?_________________________________

3.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase? _______________

4.How many countries are mentioned in the text to drink tea? _________________________________





假如钢琴家(pianist)李云迪是你的偶像,请根据提示,以My Hero为题写一篇短文,90词左右,短文内容必须包含所有提示信息,可适当发挥,开头不计入总词数。














My Hero

I am a music fan and the sounds of music are my favorite. Of all the pianists, Li Yundi is my hero. _________________________________________________________________________







A Disappointing Performance

Tom was sick with disappointment. The piano performance was almost a success, however, he f   1.   in his solo(独奏). He couldn’t understand how it could have happened. He had p   2.  for weeks that seemed like months. He had given up sports until after the performance because he wanted to make his parents p 3.   of him. He spent all his time with the piano. His teacher had said he was q  4. to learn. It was true that he accepted music as another l   5.   , another way to talk to people. His grandparents, aunt, and uncle all came to hear him play, and he was anxious to s  6.   them that he was the best in the whole class. But, when he stood up to go to the piano, his knees felt w   7.  . He looked into the audience and saw his f   8.   smiling back at him. At this time, he felt n   9.. His fingers began to tremble (颤抖), shaking as though he had caught a bad cold. He sat down at the piano. He took a deep b   10. . He played the first part of his music, then realized with fear that he had forgotten the rest. He started over, thinking that would help. It didn’t. His bright musical life seemed to end.



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