满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

My friends like different clothes. Sue l...

My friends like different clothes. Sue likes red clothes. She is often in a red skirt and red shoes. Mina likes white clothes. She is in a white shirt. Her sister Emma likes to wear a green skirt. She looks nice. David often wears a white cap and black pants. Peter often wears a white coat and black pants.


1.What color does Sue like?

A. White.      B. Red.       C. Yellow.      D. Green.

2.Mina is in a white ______.

A. shirt        B. skirt       C. dress        D. coat

3.Mina's sister's name is ______.

A. Sue         B. Emma     C. Jenny        D. David

4.David often wears a ______.

A. black pants               B. black cap

C. white cap               D. white pants

5.______ often wear black pants.

A. Sue and Emma             B. Mina and Sue

C. David and Peter           D. David and Mina


1.B 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是作者对他的朋友喜欢穿的衣服的情况进行了说明。 1.1】B细节理解题。根据文中信息Sue likes red clothes.可知此题答案是B。 2.2】B细节理解题。根据文中信息Mina likes white clothes.可知此题答案是B。 3.3】B细节理解题。根据文中信息Her sister Emma likes to wear a green skirt.可知此题答案是B。 4.4】C细节理解题。根据文中信息David often wears a white cap and black pants. 可知此题答案是C。 5.5】C细节理解题。根据文中信息David often wears a white cap and black pants. Peter often wears a white coat and black pants.可知此题答案是C。 考点:日常生活类短文阅读

I'm an English girl. My name is Rose White. I'm short but my hair is long. I have a round face and my mouth is small. Now I'm a student in No. 5 High School. I have a good friend. Her name is Liu Xing. We are in the same class. She is from China. She has big eyes. But her mouth is small.


1.Rose White is from ______.

A. the USA     B. Japan       C. Canada      D. England

2.Rose White is a ______.

A. teacher      B. student      C. boy         D. Chinese

3.Rose White has a ______ face.

A. long        B. round       C. wide        D. short

4.Liu Xing has a ______ mouth.

A. small       B. long         C. short        D. wide

5.Liu Xing is a(n) ______.

A. Chinese       B. boy

C. teacher       D. English student




I am a Chinese girl.     name is Liu Ying. I      a new friend. Her name is Kitty Brown. She is thirteen years old. She's in       with her family now. She is in No. 2 Junior High School in Beijing. She is in Class 5, Grade 7. She has short brown      . She has a big head and a wide mouth. She is       a green dress. Her QQ      is 32422920. Her dad is       English teacher. Her mom is a     , too. Kitty has a sister. She is ten. She      like their dad. Kitty and her sister are in the same     , but in different grades. They like China.

1.A. His      B. Her      C. Your       D. My

2.A. have     B. help     C. think      D. meet

3.A. Cuba     B. China    C. Japan      D. Canada

4.A. eye      B. face     C. hair       D. neck

5.A. in       B. on      C. at         D. to

6.A. grade   B. box     C. telephone D. number

7.A. an       B. the     C. /          D. A

8.A. teacher B. student C. classmate D. friend

9.A. sees     B. gives    C. looks      D. Has

10.A. schools B. school  C. grade      D. class




—You're welcome.

A. Excuse me.        B. Thank you.

C. Hello.            D. Good morning.



______ bikes are new, but ______ are old.

A. Our; theirs            B. Our; their

C. Ours; theirs           D. Ours; their



The letter is Mary's. Please give it ______ her.

A. to       B. for       C. in       D. from



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