满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

写作 假设你叫李俊,你的美国朋友David想要在中国结交更多的朋友。你通过电子邮...












痴迷于DIY, 上周给我做了一张生日卡片;










Dear David,

How are you? I’m writing to introduce my best friend Wang Ming to you.







I hope you can make friends with him as soon as you can. Maybe he can show you around our country at the Spring Festival.

Best wishes,


Dear David, How are you? I’m writing to introduce my best friend Wang Ming to you. He is 15 years old. He is tall with two big eyes. He is tall and has short hair. Wang Ming has a good sense of humor. He often tells us funny stories and makes us happy. He is also an honest boy and he can keep secrets for his friends. He never says a bad word about others. He is crazy about DIY. It was my birthday last week. He made a birthday card for me. He is interested in learning about different kinds of birds and now he is a member of the Bird watching Society. Among/Of the four seasons, he likes winter best because he likes making snowmen and having snowball fights with his friends. He has a good voice and is good at singing. So he wants to be a singer when he grows up. I hope you can make friends with him as soon as you can. Maybe he can show you around our country at the Spring Festival. Best wishes, 【解析】这是一篇话题作文,作文题目已经给出,而且列出了要求。写作文时要仔细审题,每一条都要写到,注意前后句的连接,不要遗漏要点,必要时可适当发挥。本文时态主要是一般现在时态,主语是第一人称,注意时态语时间状语的搭配及主谓一致问题。写作中适当使用连词,注意上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系。 文章主要写介绍王明,要点全部都写出,并且增加了一些内容使文章更通顺,更符合要求。文中使用很多短语,让文章更加出彩,如with two big eyes.,keep secrets,says a bad word about others , is interested in,taking trains”等。在平时的学习中,要注意点滴积累,这样在写作文时才能灵活运用。  


excite;     once or twice;       satisfy;      come out;      all the time;

warn;      run;       show somebody around;     at least;      piano;

1.You can ride your bike to school, but remember to be careful ________________.

2.This magazine isn’t popular with the students though it ________________ every week.

3.It’s difficult________________ both the old and the young about the program at the same time.

4.The kids clapped and shouted ________________ when the actor appeared.

5.Though he is very busy, he goes to the movies to relax ________________.

6.The children are interested in playing the piano, so they need more ________________.

7.The visitors ________________ not to swim in this river for several times.

8.There are no students in the classroom. They ________________ on the playground.

9.Thank you for ________________ the museum. We’ve learned a lot.

10.You must do more exercise, ________________ twice a week.




1. was the how food

2.do how you often exercise

3.I new town am in

4.what of you talk think shows do

5.a she to be teacher wants



Because it was Sunday, Jim didnt go to school. He helped his father in the garden. After two hours in the garden, he was tired. He went in the room and took out an ice-cream from the fridge. He asked his father if (是否)he felt thirsty(口渴的). And if he said yes he would bring him a bottle of cola. But his father said no. And he told Jim when he was young, he often helped his parents with the work on the farm. Sometimes the weather was hot and sometimes it was cold and windy. But he never gave up just because he was hungry or thirsty. He thought a real man could stand everything that others cant bear(忍受).

1.Why didnt Jim go to school ?

A. Because it was Sunday.

B. Because his family was poor.

C. Because he likes doing housework.

2.What did Jim do on Sunday?

A. He helped his father in the garden.

B. Watched TV all day.

C. Went to school.

3.Jim took out ___________from the fridge.

A. an apple     B.an ice -cream      C. a pear

4.When the father was young, he often helped his _______with the work on the farm.

A. daughter     B. parents            C. son

5.Did his father drink cola?

A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didnt.

C. He ate an ice-cream.



I have four good friends. We are in the same school. In some ways, we are different. I am more outgoing than them. They are very quiet. So they all like reading books. And they are thinner than me. I am very fat. I want to be as thin as them. But in some ways, we have something in common. For example, we all have dreams. I am going to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I like children. Tom wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Linda wants to be an engineer when she grows up.Because he is good at science. Bob wants to be a policeman when he grows up. And Lisa wants to be a nurse when she grows up. I hope we can make our dreams come true one day.

1.How many friends does the writer have?

A. Four.    B. Three.       C. Six.

2.My friends are_________ than me.

A. less outgoing

B. more outgoing

C. outgoing

3.Tom wants to be a ________ when he grows up.

A. doctor    B. nurse      C. scientist

4.Does Bob want to be a policeman when he grows up?

A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesnt

C. We dont know.

5.Does Lisa want to be a policewoman when she grows up?

A. Yes,she does.

B. No, she doesnt.

C. We dont know.



Last week, I did a survey in my class and asked each student what they thought of the TV shows. Lets have a look at the result.

Bill loves watching sports games best because he likes playing sports. Tom likes playing sports,too. Tom likes talk shows because they are interesting. Lily cant stand soap operas. But Lucy says she doesnt mind watching them if she has spare (空闲的)time. Lucys favorite TV shows are game shows. She loves watching them a lot. And everyone in my class likes watching sitcoms.

1.Last week, I did a survey in my class.

2.Bill doesnt love watching sports games.

3.Lily cant stand soap operas.

4.Lucys favorite TV shows are sports shows.

5.Everyone in my class likes watching comedies.



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