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书面表达: 时间飞逝,转眼间同学们进入九年级已有三个多月了,在繁忙的学习生活中,...


时间飞逝,转眼间同学们进入九年级已有三个多月了,在繁忙的学习生活中,我们有困惑、泪水;也有进步、喜悦。请根据以下提示,写一篇题为“Our school life in Grade Nine”的短文,介绍九年级的学校生活,并提出希望和建议。注意:要点表达齐全,可适当发挥。词数100左右。














Our school life in Grade Nine

It is more than two months since we became a Grade Nine student. Here is what our school life is like now.

At school, _____________________________________________________________________


Because of too much homework, we don’t have enough time to do our hobbies. Though we are  busy with our study, we still live a colourful life. _______________________________



As a Grade 9 student, I hope___________________________________________________



It is more than two months since we became a Grade Nine student. Here is what our school life is like now. At school, our teachers work carefully. They all have a heart full of love. Though they are strict, they care about every student. We students listen to the teacher carefully in class. We respect the teachers very much. After class, we help each other and always hand in our homework on time. Because of too much homework, we don’t have enough time to do our hobbies. Though we are busy with our study, we still live a colourful life. We watch our favourite TV programmes once or twice a week. Many boys like watching sports programmes because they think these programmes are exciting. Many girls like watching documentaries because they can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them. We also do sports for half an hour every day, such as running and playing ball games. What’s more, we enjoy music during the break. Most of us like listening to classical music because it can help us relax. As a Grade 9 student, I hope we can make more progress in our study through hard work. And I believe that we can enter the ideal high school successfully next year. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇作文叫小作者介绍九年级学生的校园生活,小作者首先要认真阅读前面的提示认真审题,确定文章的中心。注意文章文体、人称和时态。要求介绍。同时应选用合适的连接词或过渡词,使文章具有一定的连贯性。小作者还必须认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等。 写作亮点:这篇短文不仅使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。如Many boys like watching sports programmes because they think these programmes are exciting. Many girls like watching documentaries because they can learn a lot about nature, history and real-life events from them.等,Because等使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。 考点:考查提纲类作文。  










The kind of dancing called ballet (芭蕾) began in Italy 500 years ago. You go to a  t  1.  to see ballet which tells a story using music and dance. Ballet developed greatly in France about 350 years ago and d 2.  all over the world still call all the movements (动作) by their French names.

The Royal Ballet School(皇家芭蕾学院) in London is famous and children interested in ballet dreaming of b 3.    able to go there. The school holds several audition (表演会) every year where they choose s 4.   children to train as ballet dancers. Auditions t  5. a whole day and about 1,000 children go to the auditions every year. The c  6. , aged about 10 or 11, are given numbers to pin (别在) on their clothes and, in a group, they copy the movements made by a teacher. Ballet teachers w  7. the children carefully and choose the children who have a suitable shape, some natural t 8.  and who very much want to learn. Children from other c 9.  can go to the Royal Ballet School. They can send a video of themselves dancing and if they are good, they may be taken to travel to London for an audition. Every year, only 14 boys and 21 girls are c 10.  to go to the school.




It's normal for kids to dislike school occasionally. But if your child is consistently unhappy about going, something needs to be done. Here are some reasons why kids hate school---and somw advice to put them back on the road to success:


The fear of separation(分离) is likely to keep children from enjoying school. It often happens during times of family stress or when a child is about to enter a new school.

With younger kids, watch how you say good-bye those first few days of school. "Have a great day, and I'll pick you up at 2:30"  is much better than "Don't worry, I can be here in ten minutes if you need me."

Teach your children to break large work into pieces and think more positively(乐观), instead of thinking they will fail, encourage them to try their best in their learning. Show you are proud of them when they try their best, no matter what grades they get.


Some kids dislike school because they have no friends. Maybe the child is always alone, He often says that he is ill so that he won’t have to go to school or gives away things of high value to others in order to be liked.

Often loneliness problem can be solved by encouraging their social skills. You can teach your child to look confident by smiling and looking others in the eye when he speaks. Try to find something he is good at and encourage his friends to join in the activity, which then lets him shine. This gives the lonely child a role of importance and helps him build friendships.

Title:  How to _____1. with it if your child hates school

Reason’s for kids’ hating school





Having ___3. friends


Not enjoying school

Saying he doesn’t feel ____4.

Giving away____5. things to others

Some advice to __6.the  problems

Looking out for your ___7.of words when saying goodbye to kids

Encouraging a child to ___8.in himself or herself.

Showing your ____9. in their efforts

Encouraging their social skills

Helping your child build ___10.

Showing their advantages.






1.--- It is said Ha Wen will be the ______ (direct) of the 2015 Spring Festival Gala.

---Yes. It will be her third time to do this job.

2.All the ______ (lead) names and numbers are on the list. You can call them one by one.

3.Tan Dun is one of the most famous _______ (music) in the world..

4.Last Sunday I saw an (a) _______(please) thing in the park---rubbish lay everywhere.

5.The boy ______ (blow) out the candles after he made a wish.

6.Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living thing has a ________(灵魂).

7._______ (中央) Park is far away from here. You’d better take a bus there.

8.Though it was raining hard, none of us was ________(缺席)from school.

9.Kate and I are going to the________(音乐会) this weekend.

10.Ms. Gao always uses an ______ (最新的) method of language teaching.



Gabriel Garqacia Marquez , who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in

1982, passed away at the age of 86 on April 17, 2014. The world paused (停顿) to remember the cultural giant.

Garcia Marquez was born in Colombia, but he spent most of his adult life in Mexico City. As one of the most famous writers, he was widely regarded as “a giant of 20th- century literature.” Garcia Marquez wrote in a style called magical realism(魔幻现实主义).” In such works, people live a daily life in a certain period of time in history. But meanwhile , magical things happen to them.

Garcia Marquez is best known for his 1967 novel, One hundred years of Solitude (《百年孤独》), which has sold about 50 million copies. It tells the tale of the small and isolated town of Macondo which was separated from the outside world- of its founding and its troubled history over a hundred years. The story is a metaphor(暗喻)for the development of Colombia since the 19 century. As Colombian President Juan Manuel Santons said, Garcia Marquez wrote about “the essence(本质) of the Latin American beings.”

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1.Garcia Marquez was born in _________.

A. 1914        B.1928         C.1967         D.1982

2.We can know from paragraph 2 that Garcia Marquez __________.

A. was born in Mexico City.

B. spent most of his abult life in Colombia.

C. had a writing style called “magical realism.”

D. was famous but lived a simple daily life.

3.Which of the following is NOT true about Garcia Marquez?

A. He was the writer of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982.

B. His novel One Hundred yearsof Solitude was a great success.

C. He was widely known as a giant of 20th- century literature.”

D. Magical things happened to him during his stay in Mexico City.

4.The writer quotes (引用)from the President to __________.

A. Praise Garcia Marquez for his achievement.

B. show the deep sadness of the President.

C. explain the writing style of Garcia Marquez.

D. describe the character of Garcia Marquez.



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