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Early to bed, early to rise, makes a ma...


Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

This is an old English saying. Have you ever heard it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning, then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever(wise).

This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children at a young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!

The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercises. Exercise keeps the body strong.

Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!

1.If we get up early and go to bed early, well _______.

A. have enough exercise       B. be healthy

C. think better              D. have strong blood

2.If a child doesnt have 10 hours sleep, maybe he ________.

A. becomes wise                 B. wont do well in his work

C. goes to school in time       D. has enough sleep

3.A person needs exercise because ______.

A. it makes him healthy

B. he has a lot of homework to do

C. he is strong enough

D. he does exercise

4.Exercise makes the _______ move quickly and smoothly(流畅).

A. body        B. blood        C. children        D. head

5.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Exercise does good to a persons head.

B. A student should have 10 hours sleep.

C. Its good for you to get up early and go to bed early.

D. If you have enough blood, youll be wise.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.D 【解析】 试题分析:本篇文章介绍了要想有健康的身体,就要早睡早起。一个人要有足够的睡眠,也要进行体育锻炼,才能够健康。 1.1】B细节理解题。根据Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.可知早睡早起可以叫一个人健康,富裕又聪明。故选B。 2.2】B细节理解题。根据Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well.可知如果一个孩子没有足够的睡眠就不能把他们的学习搞好,所以选B。 3.3】A细节理解题。根据Exercise keeps the body strong.可知锻炼叫人们身体强壮即健康,所以选A。 4.4】B细节理解题。根据Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body.可知锻炼可以叫血液流的更快,更流畅,所以选B。 5.D综合理解题。通读全文可知是孩子们有足够的睡眠,就会聪明。故选D。 考点:考查健康生活类短文阅读。

Kangkangs father is a doctor. When SARS, a kind of serious disease, spread in Beijing, he took an active part in the battle against it. He left his wife and his son to work in the Xiaotangshan Hospital. He cared for the patients day and night. He couldnt go home and he could only talk with family on the telephone. “Do you miss your family? asked a reporter. Yes, of course. Its my duty to save the patients, Doctor Lee answered.

1.What is Kangkangs father?

A. A leader       B. A teacher

C. A doctor       D. A nurse

2.What happened at that time?

A. SARS came in Beijing.

B. Beijing host the Olympic Games.

C. A flood broke out

D. The people celebrated our countrys birthday.

3.Could Kangkangs father go home?

A. Yes, he couldnt.  B. No, he didnt.

C. Yes, he could.      D. No, he couldnt.

4.How did his father talk with his family?

A. In the hospital      B. On the phone

C. Face to face         D. We dont know.

5.Do you think Kangkangs father is a good doctor?

A. Yes, he is.            B. Yes, I think so.

C. No, I dont think so  D. Yes, she is a good nurse.




There is a little duck. His name is Becky. Every day Becky and his mother go to a small _   _ Becky’s mother likes swimming in it. But Becky sits on the bank and _____ his mother swim.

His mother calls him, “Becky, it’s time for you to ____ to swim.” Becky puts his foot in the water and says, “The water is too _____.” “Yes, Becky,” says his mother. “It is cold, but you must learn to swim.”

“I don’t like it,” says Becky. I’m not going to swim.” “But all ducks swim,” says his mother. “Not this duck,” answers Becky. _____ he sits down on a pile of sand and watches his mother swim.

One day, Becky’s mother calls, “________, Becky, I see a big cat.”  Becky sees the cat. It is a big cat, “Run fast,” calls his mother. Becky runs fast. “_____ into the water”, calls his mother. Becky jumps into the water. SPLASH!(溅) He tries _____ to swim to his mother.

“You are _____ now,” says his mother. The cat can’t swim, so he can’t ______ Becky. Good boy, Becky. You can swim now,” says his mother.” “Yes, Mum. I am glad I can swim,” says Becky.

1.A. hill         B. river        C. garden        D. house

2.A. sees       B. enjoys    C. watches     D. has

3.A. learn      B. like         C. go           D. come

4.A. hot          B. dirty     C. cold        D. clean

5.A. First        B. Then       C. But         D. Second

6.A. Look up     B. Look out     C. Look like   D. Look for

7.A. Pour        B. Turn      C. Jump        D. Run

8.A. hard        B. difficult    C. quick       D. fast

9.A. dangerous   B. free         C. safe          D. busy

10.A. win       B. catch      C. relax        D. enjoy



They stayed in Beijing for a few days and visited some ________.

A. interest places      B. place of interests

C. places of interests   D. places of interest



If you have headaches often, you need _______ .

A. see a doctor      B. seeing a doctor

C. to see a doctor   D. not see a doctor



He wasnt _____ to understand the questions.

A. quick enough   B. enough quick

C. quick as       D. quickly enough



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