满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

词汇运用: ◆选择括号内恰当的单词或词组填入空白处,使句意完整、正确。 1.Lo...



1.Look, there is a bird _____ (singing, is singing) in the tree.

2. You forget to_________(get off, shut off )the electricity, Jack!

3.—Is your grandfather still alive?

—No, he has been dead             (for , since)I lived in the city.

4.— He has           ( just/ never) been to New York, has he?

—Yes, he has been there twice.

5.—        ( What / How ) is the population of Brazil?

—It’s 184million.


1.singing 2.shut off 3.since 4.never 5.What 【解析】 试题分析: 1.句意:看,树上有一只鸟在唱歌。根据Look 可知该用现在进行时,所以填写singing。 2.句意:-你忘了关电,杰克!根据the electricity可知该选shut off,关闭。 3.句意:-你祖父还活着吗?-不,自从我住在这城市以来他就已经死了。I lived in the city 是一个时间点,所以选since,因为for后须跟段时间。 4.句意:-他从来没有到过纽约,对吗?-不对,他去过那里两次。根据简短问句has he 可知该选具有否定意义的never,从不。 5.句意:-巴西的人口是多少?- 一亿八千四百万。对population 提问习惯用What。 考点:选词填空。

Laugh and cry together.

Laughing with a friend is the best, but sometimes it’s crying that makes you closer together. Don’t be afraid to be yourself with your friends. Share your true feelings—you may learn that your friends feel the same way. As a result, friends will understand each other better.

Be a thoughtful gift giver.

Gift-giving isn’t just for birthdays or holidays—it can be a fun way of making your friends feel special! But don’t buy expensive presents—be creative! Making things shows your care, because you put time and thought into your gifts. Bake him favorite cookies, write him a poem, or draw something special for him. Small thoughtful gifts, such as picking a flower for a friend who is sick, just might cheer him up.

Stand up for him.

It’s hard to watch someone laugh at a friend. But don’t just stand there, and do something about it! You can find a creative way to solve the problem to make others look at your friend differently. Other times, you need to show your courage and support him—he needs you. It may be not easy, but it’s what a good friend should do!


How to Be a Great Friend

Laugh and cry   1.   .

1. Both laughing and   2.  can bring friends closer.

2. Sharing your true feelings with friends can help you understand  each other better.

Be a thoughtful gift giver.

1. Giving friends gifts can make them feel   3.  .

2. You’d better   4.  small gifts by yourself instead of buying expensive ones for your friends.

Stand up for him.

1.   5. your friends are laughed at, you can find a creative way to help them.

2. Show your courage and    6.  to your friends.





Do you feel a little sleepy after lunch? Well, that’s normal. Your body naturally slows down then.   1.    Don’t reach for a coffee! Instead, take a nap (小睡).

There are many advantages of a daily nap. First of all, you are more efficient after napping. You remember things better and make fewer mistakes. 2.   A 20-minute nap can reduce information overload (超负荷). It can also reduce stress. Finally, a nap may increase your self-confidence and make you more active. It may even cheer you up.

3.   First, take a nap in the middle of the day, about eight hours after you wake up. Otherwise, you may disturb your sleep-wake pattern. Next, a 20-minute nap is best.   4.    After waking from a deep sleep, you will feel worse. Also, you should set an alarm clock.   5.You won’t have to keep looking at the clock so that you don’t oversleep.

Now, the next time you feel sleepy after lunch, don’t get stressed. Put your head down, close your eyes, and have a nap. What’s the secret of being a great friend? Here are some tips to help you be a nice friend.

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Tu Youyou, an 84-year-old Chinese female scientist, was awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology (生理学) or Medicine on Oct. 5. She found a medicine that cures the deadly disease called malaria(疟疾). Tu shared the prize with two scientists from the US and Japan. Tu is the first native Chinese person to get the Nobel Prize in natural science.

Tu found artemisinin (青篙素) in sweet wormwood(青篙) back in 1971. She spent the following years trying to improve the medicine. According to World Health Organization, about 200 million people suffer from malaria around the world, and about half a million die each year. Today, artemisinin is still the most useful medicine that fights against malaria.

When Tu joined the national research team to find the malaria medicine in the 1960s and the 1970s, things were hard. The team didn’t have advanced equipment then. Tu used to medicines by taking taking them herself. Tu’s team searched old Chinese medicine books by hand and tested over 2,000 traditional recipes (配方).

To do research, Tu also had to travel a lot. Once she returned to her family after six months away from home. Her little daughter didn’t recognize her and hid from the “strange woman”. However, Tu never complained. “ I feel rewarded when I see so many cured patients,” she said.

1.Malaria is a kind of         .

A. food             B. deadly disease           C. cancer

2.How many people shared the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine?

A. 2                 B. 3                     C. 4

3.Tu Youyou found artemisinin        .

A. at the age of 40

B. after an American scientist found it

C.When she joined the national research team in the 1960s

4.Why did Tu use to test the medicine by taking them herself?

A. Because she liked to do so.

B. Because someone forced her.

C. Because she didn’t have good equipment.

5.Which is True according to this passage?

A. About 100 million people die from malaria every year.

B. Old Chinese medicine books are useless.

C. Tu’s little daughter didn’t know her after she left home for six months.




Mobile phone use among children has become a problem for the school this year. Several children have got mobile phones as Christmas gifts, and more students will want them.

Mary Bluentt, an official, said mobile phone use is a distraction(分心的事)to students during school hours and it also gives teachers so much trouble in their classrooms. Teachers were also saying that sometimes students might use phone messages to cheat during exams.

She said some schools had tried to ban(禁止)mobile phones. Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't get in touch with their children.

Many teachers said students should not have mobile phones at school, but if there were special or good reasons(理由), they could leave their phones at school office. They also said there were many reasons why the students shouldn't have mobile phones at school: they were easy to lose and were a distraction from studies.

Many people say that they understand why parents would want their children to have phones, but they think schools should let the students know when they can use their mobile phones.

1.Some middle schools in Australia have stopped students from carrying mobile phones           .

A. because they are students

B. because they are children

C. when they are at school

2.We know from the passage that some children get mobile phones from             .

A. some mobile phone users

B. their parents and friends

C. the makers and sellers

3.The underlined word "cheat" means          in this passage.

A. 查询       B.作弊      C.聊天

4.Some parents felt unhappy because they couldn't         during school hours.

A. get in touch with their children

B. help the teachers with their work

C. leave their mobile phones at school office

5.The passage tells us that students shouldn't have mobile phones at school except for        .

A. special or good reasons

B. their parents feel unhappy

C. listening music



Do you know what couch-potato means? Well, in America, the word is now often used. You see, in America, many people often spend their free time sitting on a couch (沙发) watching TV. As there are many channels to choose, the TV can be quite interesting and very addictive (使人上瘾的). One may sit and watch TV for hours and hours without stop! Well, these people who do nothing all day except watching TV are called couch-potatoes.

In America, while watching TV, most often sitting still with eyes looking right into the TV set. Also because these people are addictive to  TV, they don’t take exercise and usually get very fat. So in many ways, these people look like real potatoes! Well, because they look fat, and watch TV on a couch, they are all called couch-potatoes. Now you know what a couch-potato means. The next time if you see someone watching TV too long, just say, “What a couch-potato!”

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1.The word couch-potato is widely used in Germany.

2.Couch-potato is used to call the people who like eating potatoes very much.

3.A person who is called Couch-potato always spends lots of time watching TV.

4.Couch-potatoes usually get fat because they don’t like doing exercise.

5.The passage mainly tells us how to choose TV programs.



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