满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mrs. May had a secret. She wanted to go ...

Mrs. May had a secret. She wanted to go in a _______.

A.basket      B.balloon    C.car       D.butt


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意: Mrs. May有一个秘密,她想乘气球走。A.basket篮子; B.balloon气球;C.car汽车; D.butt烟头,根据句意及题干分析她之所以是作为秘密应该是乘气球走,故选B。 考点:考查名词的用法  



2.叫警察(中译英)  __________________________________________________________

3.take Wilf’s measurements(英译中) __________________________________________

4.What a good dragon(英译中) __________________________________________________

5.pull the boy out of the pond(英译中)_________________________________________




1.There is a _________(小溪) near Mr. May’s house.

2.It is the day of my sister’s _________(婚礼). I hope she will be happy forever.

3.Oh, there is something wrong with the _______(水龙头). Everyone gets wet.

4.Today we will go on a picnic. I am so ________(please).

5._______(thank) to my best friend, I can have a good time in Jiangyin.




1.A.hooray      B.book       C.food        D.good

2.A.made         B. cake      C.safe       D.match

3.A.slim         B.kite      C.smile       D.bride

4.A.long       B.hose       C. no         D.rope

5.A.hope         B.me       C.these       D.she



May 10th is Meg’s birthday. She gets a gift from her sister. It is a new coat .The coat is very beautiful and she feels very happy.

One day, Meg finds that a button(纽 扣) of her coat is lost. She looks for the button everywhere, but she can’t find it. The next day, she doesn’t wear that coat to school and feels sad all day. After school, she goes to the clothes shops and wants to buy that kind of clothes. But she doesn’t find it. She feels very disappointed.

Meg tells her sister about that, and her sister says, “We can change all the buttons. Then the buttons will be the same.” The coat is beautiful again and Meg feels happy again.

1.What does Meg’s sister buy for her on her birthday?

A. some buttons          B. a new coat

C. a new bike          D. some flowers

2.How does Meg feel when she doesn’t wear that coat?

A. She feels happy.               B. She feels sad.

C. She feels excited (激动的).    D. She feels bored (无聊的).

3.What does Meg’s sister do at the end of the story?

A. She changes all the buttons of the coat.

B. She buys another coat again.

C. She buys a button in the clothes store.

D. She goes to the clothes store and changes the coat.

4.What does the underlined word ‘disappointed’ mean in Chinese?

A. 兴奋的             B. 失望的

C. 难为情的           D. 高兴的

5.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. A lost button        B. A lost coat

C. A kind sister        D. A clothes store




1.他有做这项工作的能力.   He has the ______________ to do the work.

2.Tom 参加学校运动会。

Tom_____________    ________________     ________________ the school sports meeting.


Li Jian __________   __________________   ______________his songs.


Dad bought an enormous_____________   ______________   ____________ for Mum.

5.我们支起了一个球网。 We   __________  _____________   _____________   _____________.

6.你们能接住这只球吗?      ______________  you  ______________ the ball?

7.那是不是治好了打嗝?  Did that  __________    _____________    ___________thehiccups?

8.这面包很烫.        The bread is very  _________________.



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