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This morning, a boy of twelve saw a smal...

This morning, a boy of twelve saw a small fire at one end of a ship. Tom left home very early, against the wishes of his father, to see the ships at the port. It was a good thing that he did, because there was nobody else around, and the small fire grew dangerously big very soon.

Tom stood near the ship and shouted at the top of his voice. He woke up the port workers living nearby.

The ship was one of the six big ships in port at the time and they were all carrying oil(石油)and paper.

The fire burned hundblacks of boxes of paper, so it spread very quickly. The end of the ship was black with smoke, but thanks to Tom, the fire didn't reach the oil.

Tom was also lucky, because his father was pleased rather than angry with him.


1.When Tom saw the fire, he was at the port

2.It was a small fire but it grew big very slowly.

3.The ship was carrying paper and wood .

4.As soon as the boy saw the fire, he shouted to wake up the workers nearby.

5.In this story the underlined word "against" means“违背”in Chinese.


1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍一个12岁的男孩,违背父亲的意愿,跑到港口去看船。他发现一艘船的船尾有一小堆火。船上装有纸和石油。他大声喊,惊醒了附近的工人,火烧着了纸,幸亏Tom,火没有烧着石油。最后他父亲没有生Tom的气。 1.A此题考查细节理解题。句意:当Tom看见火时,他在港口。在第一段第一二句This morning, a boy of twelve saw a small fire at one end of a ship. Tom left home very early, against the wishes of his father, to see the ships at the port.可知Tom违背父亲的意愿,跑到港口看船,发现的火;故选A。 2.B此题考查细节理解题。句意:开始是小火苗,但是火变大得很慢。第一段最后一句the small fire grew dangerously big very soon.可知火很快变大。故选B。 3.B此题考查细节理解题。句意:这艘船装有纸和木头。由第三段The ship was one of the six big ships in port at the time and they were all carrying oil(石油)and paper.可知这艘船装有纸和石油,不是装有纸和木头。故选B。 4.A此题考查细节理解题。句意:这个小男孩一发现火,他大声喊叫醒了附近的工人。由第二段可知Tom stood near the ship and shouted at the top of his voice. He woke up the port workers living nearby.可知这个小男孩一发现火,他大声喊叫醒了附近的工人。故选A。 5.A此题考查词意理解题。文章的最后一段说Tom是幸运的及他的父亲的表现Tom was also lucky, because his father was pleased rather than angry with him.可猜出"against" means“违背”in Chinese。故选A。 考点:故事类阅读

The old photo _______me of my happy childhood.

A. makes  B. remind  C.thinks  D.reminds



_________interesting weather it is!

A. How a      B .How an   C. What an      D. What



I believe that there are many ways ________our love to our parents.

A. to show      B. show        C. showing     D. shows



--- This math problem is _____ hard for me to understand. Can you help me ?

----Sure. It’s my pleasure.

A. very      B. too        C. quiet         D. rather



My mother often tells me______the teacher in class.

A.listen      B.listen to    C.to listen   D.to listen to



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