满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

It’s always busy, so come earlier to get...

It’s always busy, so come        earlier to get a table.

A.a bit of     B.a little    C.very     D.more


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:它总是很忙,因此早来点以便找张桌子。Earlier副词的比较级,修饰比较级的词有a little, a lot, even, a bit, much等,故选B。 考点:考查副词。  

The expressions they use might       whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.

A.instead of     B.lead in to    C.because of      D.depend on



It’s not enough        an English club. You should also read English newspapers and magazines often.

Thanks for your advice.

A. join       B. to join C. joining  D. to joining



The Internet has made communication much more         .

I agree. For example, I can communicate with my friends on WeChat any time.

A. popular     B. necessary

C. important   D. convenient



There are        floors in the building and my home is on the________ floor.

A.twenty; fifteenth    B. twenty; fifteen

C. twentieth; fifteen  D. twentieth; fifteenth



I don’t know        next.

Let’s ask our teacher for help.

A. what to do  B. what should I do

C. how to do   D. how I should do



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