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I don’t know _________ at 2015 IAAF Worl...

I don’t know _________ at 2015 IAAF World Track and Field Championships Beijing(2015年北京


A. which country has taken the lead in Gold medal tally(金牌榜)

B. how far did Li Jinzhe jump in the Men’s Long Jump

C. whom won the Men’s 100 Metre Race

D. how many world records were broken


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:我不知道在2015年北京田联世界田径锦标赛上多少世界纪录被打破。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,故排除B,whom不能做主语,故排除C;根据句意可知那个国家在金牌榜上独立风潮,是过去的事情,所以A时态不正确,故选D。 考点:考查宾语从句的用法。  

Are you going anywhere?

I _________ about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind.

A. will think          B. think

C. thought            D. have thought



Friendship is _________ wine. The longer we keep it, the tastier it will be.

A. as soon as       B. as good as

C. as well as      D. as long as



Don’t bother your father. He’s got a lot _________ his mind.

A. at        B. in         C. on     D. of



The parents can _________ afford his extra education abroad, because one of them has been out of work.

A. simply       B. hardly        C. correctly     D. surely



Since the war _________ in Syria in 2011, there have been a great many refugees(难民) running to  nearby European countries.

A. broke out       B. stayed out

C. worked out      D. tried out



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