满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Don’t bother your father. He’s got a lot...

Don’t bother your father. He’s got a lot _________ his mind.

A. at        B. in         C. on     D. of


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:不要打扰你的父亲。他有许多的心事。have got a lot on one’s mind。有许多的心事。结合句意,故选C。 考点:考查介词的用法。  

The parents can _________ afford his extra education abroad, because one of them has been out of work.

A. simply       B. hardly        C. correctly     D. surely



Since the war _________ in Syria in 2011, there have been a great many refugees(难民) running to  nearby European countries.

A. broke out       B. stayed out

C. worked out      D. tried out



We Chinese are _________ to protect the fishermen to fish in the proper area.

A. strong enough       B. energetic enough

C. kind-hearted enough D. stubborn enough



I wonder _________ or not the animal signs are kept in a fixed order.

Oh, they should be.

A. if         B. whether        C. that         D. how



The commemoration of 70th anniversary of war victory(战争胜利70周年纪念活动) held on September 3, 2015 _________ us all to remember the past and love peace.

A. allowed         B. forced

C. reminded        D. warned



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