满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

What_______ honest boy! And he is_______...

What_______ honest boy! And he is_______ best student of all.

A. a; a      B. an; the      C. a; the      D. the; the


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:多么诚实的男孩啊。并且他是所有学生中最好的。冠词作为一种虚词,只能和名词一起使用。英语中的冠词分为不定冠词和定冠词。不定冠词有两个,a 和 an。a用在辅音开头的单词前面;an用于以元音开头的单词前。不定冠词用在单数可数名词前面,表示这个人或事物是泛指的不确定的一个,相当于中文的“一个”。定冠词和名词连用,表示某个或某些特定的人或东西;或用于最高级前。honest是以元音音素开头的单词。所以选B。 考点:考查冠词。  








1. 运动;学校乒乓球队队员;没有很多时间练习;

2. 阅读;读书是有趣的事;从书中学到很多关于世界的事情;


1. 喜欢所有的课;数学是最爱;

2. 三幢教学楼;现代的图书馆;一个月借书两次;想带你参观我们学校。



Dear Andy,

Thank you for your letter. Now I’m writing to tell you something about myself.

I am _________________________________________________________________________


I live _______________________________________________________________________


I love ______________________________________________________________________


I love _______________________________________________________________________


All the best,

Li Ming
















首字母填空(本题共10小题;每小题0.5分, 满分5分)

In Nanjing, there are many b__1.__ going around the city, and they cost only 1 or 2 yuan to take a bus. So many people like taking a bus to school or to w__2.__. But when an old man gets on the bus, do you often g__3.__ your seat to him?

Some people on the bus d__4._ like to help the old people. They just close their e_5.__, listening to music without looking at the old people. Some turn faces to look o_6.__ of the windows. When the bus driver keeps(一直) asking them to help the old people, they don’t listen to him. However (然而), we should help each other b__7._ we may need others’ help one day. Next time, please try to help o__8._ on the bus. You can let the old people g__9.__ on the bus before you, you can give your seat to an old man, and you can also give your seat to a woman w_10._ a child. Then all the people will have a happy life.




The way of shopping in western countries(西方国家)

Do you know anything about the way of shopping in western countries? People there usually make shopping lists first and then go shopping. Most people like to go to the supermarkets because they can get almost (几乎) everything such as many styles of clothes, food, sports things.... And the things in the supermarket are cheaper. When they get into the supermarket , they carry a basket. Then they buy things and put them in the basket. After getting everything they want, they pay the money. Most people go to the supermarket once a week.

Answer the following questions with no more than 5 words.

1.What do people there usually do before they go shopping?


2.Most people like to go to the supermarkets. How many reasons are there?


3.What can people buy in the supermarkets?


4.What do people carry when they get into the supermarket?


5.How often do most people go to the supermarket?





What do you do at weekends? Some people like to stay at home and have a rest. Other people think going out for a walk is good for their health(健康). My friend Jack works very hard from Monday to Friday. At weekends he always does the same things. On Saturdays he washes his car and on Sundays he takes his family to a village(村庄) far from his house. His uncle and aunt live there, so Jack goes to see them every week. They have a big farm and only one worker to help them. So they are usually very busy. Jack often asks his family to help them. The children give the animals food. Jack and his wife work in the fields(田). After a long day of work, they are very tired and hungry. So Jack’s uncle gives them a nice meal. After that at about five, they drive home.

What do people do at the w__1.__?

Some people

They like __2._ at home and having a rest.

Other people

They think going __3.__ is good for their health.

My friend Jack

He works very hard five _4.__ a week. On __5.__ he washes his car and  on Sundays he __6.__ his family to a village. It is __7.__ from his house. He goes there to __8.__ his uncle and aunt. Jack’s uncle and aunt have a big farm and have only one worker to help them. So Jack often takes his family to __9.__ them. Jack’s uncle gives them a nice meal after a long day of work. At about five, they go home by __10.__.



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