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Forget about Super Junior. We now have T...

Forget about Super Junior. We now have TFBOYS. TFBOYS is a popular Chinese boy band made up of three members. They are Wang Junkai, 14, Wang Yuan, 13, and Yi Yangqianxi, 13. The boys are all junior middle school students. The band name TFBOYS means The Fighting Boys.

TFBOYS started in 2013, but has become popular in just one year. Fans love their sweet looks and cute voices. Their songs are full of positive energy. In their latest single Magic Castle(<魔法城堡>), they call on teenagers to not be afraid of dreaming big.

The three boys are all top students in school. Wang Junkai, the eldest, has recently taken the senior middle entrance exam(中考). We hope he’s done well.

1.The band name TFBOYS stands for_________.

A. The Fighting Boys    B. The Famous Boys

C. The Friendly Boys    D. The Fat Boys

2.The band was founded in _________?

A. 2015    B. 2014   C. 2013    D. 2012

3.The band has become popular because_________?

A. Fans love their sweet voices

B. Fans love their cute looks.

C. Their songs are full of positive energy.

D. All the above


1.A 2.C 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:该文介绍了乐队TFBOYS受欢迎的原因是粉丝们喜欢他们甜美的外表和可爱的声音。他们的歌曲充满了积极的能量。 1.A细节理解题。根据第一段末The band name TFBOYS means The Fighting Boys.可知乐队名字 TFBOYS代替的是The Fighting Boys,所以该选A。 2.C细节理解题。根据第二段开头TFBOYS started in 2013可知乐队TFBOYS开始于2013年,所以该选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第二段中TFBOYS started in 2013, but has become popular in just one year. Fans love their sweet looks and cute voices. Their songs are full of positive energy.可知乐队TFBOYS受欢迎是因为粉丝们喜欢他们甜美的外表和可爱的声音。他们的歌曲充满了积极的能量。所以该选D。 考点:日常生活类阅读。


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1.You can visit Ocean Museum _________.

A. on Wednesday   B. on Monday

C. on Saturday  D. anytime

2.You can get free examinations in Subei Hospital if you are______.

A. 73          B. 17          C. 67          D. 9

3.If Millie is free at 17:30 on Saturday, she can go to _________.

A. Ocean Museum           B. Sunny English Club

C. Subei Hospital         D. Funny English Club

4.Mr Read with his wife and his 8-year-old son go to the Ocean Museum, how much will they pay?

A. ¥75             B ¥50         C¥ 125              D ¥150




One day, a rich man takes his son on a trip. He says, “We are going to a      and spend a few days there. Then you can get to know about     people’s life.”

They come to a farm and      with a very poor family. The family has six members but a very small     . They need to work hard on the farm every day to      enough food.

On their way back home, the father asks his son, “Do you     about poor people’s life now?”

The son answers, “Yes. We have one dog, but they have four. We have a swimming pool in the middle of our         ,but they have a river. We have expensive lanterns in our garden, but they have the       at night. We have a small piece of land to live, but they have a       farm. We buy our food, but they grow their own food. And now I know we are     poor.”

After hearing his son’s words, the father has nothing to say.

1.A. park   B. farm       C. school      D. zoo

2.A. kind   B. different C. poor        D. nice

3.A. stay  B. work       C. play       D. help

4.A. garden B. room      C. house       D. kitchen

5.A. want   B. ask       C. give        D. get

6.A. know   B. study      C. find       D. have

7.A. hall   B. garden     C. playground  D. wall

8.A. films B. flowers    C. fireworks   D. stars

9.A. large B. round     C. beautiful  D. clean

10.A. also  B. really     C. never      D. still



.---Nanjing is about 70 kilometers _______ from here? What about taking a train?

Good idea!

A. away      B. far         C. far away      D. near



The History Museum in our city is ________from 9.am to 5pm at weekend.

A. opens    B. open         C. opening    D. to open



Who is the woman over there?

She is Miss Fang. She is their English teacher. She teaches______English.

A. their        B. theirs         C. them         D. they



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