满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

President Xi Jinping arrived _______ Lon...

President Xi Jinping arrived _______ London _______ the evening of October 19th to pay a five-day visit to Britain.

A. in, at            B. in, on         C. at, on           D. at, in


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:习近平主席在十月十九日的晚上到达伦敦进行为期五天的对英国的访问。arrive at 到达,后加小地点;arrive in到达,后加大地点。在具体的一天或者具体一天的早中晚,都用介词on。故选B。 考点:考查介词的用法。  


It’s very colourful.

A. What is your school life look like

B. What does your school life like

C. How do you like your school life

D. How do you think of your school life



The boy is crazy _______ computer games. It worries _______ his parents a lot.

A. about; 不填    B. with; about

C. about; with      D. about; about



Which of the handbags do you like better?

I’ll take _______. They are very fashionable and cheap.

A. nothing        B. none          C. all          D. both



Here is the book. First _______ it and then tell me what you think of it?

A. look into         B. look up

C. look through        D. look out



Scissors can be dangerous, so don’t play with them.

_______ .

A. No, I will       B. Yes, I will

C. Sorry, I will     D. Sorry, I won’t



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