满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— _______? — It’s very colourful. A. Wha...


It’s very colourful.

A. What is your school life look like

B. What does your school life like

C. How do you like your school life

D. How do you think of your school life


C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你觉得你的学校生活怎么样?--非常精彩。what do you think of …?= how do you like …?你认为……怎么样?结合回答,可知在问对学校生活的看法,故选C。 考点:考查特殊疑问句的用法。  

The boy is crazy _______ computer games. It worries _______ his parents a lot.

A. about; 不填    B. with; about

C. about; with      D. about; about



Which of the handbags do you like better?

I’ll take _______. They are very fashionable and cheap.

A. nothing        B. none          C. all          D. both



Here is the book. First _______ it and then tell me what you think of it?

A. look into         B. look up

C. look through        D. look out



Scissors can be dangerous, so don’t play with them.

_______ .

A. No, I will       B. Yes, I will

C. Sorry, I will     D. Sorry, I won’t



Teenagers like to _______ photos of famous stars in their bedrooms.

A. put in   B. put up    C. put away   D. put out



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