满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

— Which of the handbags do you like bett...

Which of the handbags do you like better?

I’ll take _______. They are very fashionable and cheap.

A. nothing        B. none          C. all          D. both


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:--你更喜欢哪个手提包?--我打算两个都买。他们非常时尚又便宜。A. nothing没有东西;B. none三者或者三者以上都不;C. all 三者或者三者以上都;D. both两者都。根据上句是比较级,可知是两个包。结合对包的赞美,可知两个都要,故选D。 考点:考查不定代词的用法。  

Here is the book. First _______ it and then tell me what you think of it?

A. look into         B. look up

C. look through        D. look out



Scissors can be dangerous, so don’t play with them.

_______ .

A. No, I will       B. Yes, I will

C. Sorry, I will     D. Sorry, I won’t



Teenagers like to _______ photos of famous stars in their bedrooms.

A. put in   B. put up    C. put away   D. put out



The bag is too heavy to carry. What’s in it?

Oh, I _______ it _______ books.

A. am filled; with   B. am full; of

C. full; of            D. filled; with



We are ready to offer help _______ you _______.

A. to; any time       B. for; any time

C. for; any times     D. to; any times



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