满分5 > 初中英语试题 >

Mr. Robinson never went to see a dentist...

Mr. Robinson never went to see a dentist, because he was afraid(害怕), but then his teeth began aching a lot, and he had to see a dentist. The dentist did a lot of work in his mouth for a long time. On the last day Mr. Robinson asked the dentist, “How much is all the work going to cost(花费)?” “Twenty-five dollars,” said the dentist. But he didn’t ask him for the money. After a month Mr. Robinson phoned the dentist and said, “You haven’t asked me for any money for your work.” “Oh,” the dentist answered, “I never ask a gentleman(绅士)for money.” “Then how do you live?” Mr. Robinson asked. “Most gentlemen pay me quickly, the dentist said, “but some don’t. I wait for my money for two months, and then I say, ‘That man is not a gentleman,’ and then I ask him for my money.

1.Mr. Robinson _____ until his teeth began aching a lot.

A. wasn’t afraid

B. didn’t see a dentist

C. wanted to see a dentist

D. went to see a dentist

2._____ cost twenty-five dollars.

A. The first day’work of the dentist

B. The last day’s work of the dentist

C. Half the dentist’s work

D. All the dentist’s work

3.When did Mr. Robinson phone the dentist?

A. After he paid him.            B. About thirty days later.

C. After two months.             D. About twenty days later.

4.The dentist said that he never asked _____ first.

A. a woman for money            B. the poor for money

C. gentlemen for money         D. people for much money

5.Mr. Robinson never went to see a dentist _____.

A. because he was afraid

B. because he had no money

C. because he wasn’t a gentleman

D. because he didn’t want to much money


1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:短文大意:鲁滨孙先生从来不去看牙医,因为他害怕,但后来他的牙齿开始疼痛了,他不得不去看牙医。 1.B细节理解题。根据文中but then his teeth began aching a lot, and he had to see a dentist可知鲁滨孙先生的牙齿开始疼痛了,他才不得不去看牙医。所以该选B。 2.D细节理解题。根据文中On the last day Mr. Robinson asked the dentist, “How much is all the work going to cost(花费)?” “Twenty-five dollars,” said the dentist.可知所有工作花费了二十五美元,所以该选D。 3.B细节理解题。根据文中After a month Mr. Robinson phoned the dentist可知鲁滨孙先生在一个月后给牙医打电话,所以该选B。 4.C细节理解题。根据文中“You haven’t asked me for any money for your work.” “Oh,” the dentist answered, “I never ask a gentleman(绅士)for money.”可知牙医从来没有首先向一个绅士要钱。所以该选C。 5.文中Mr. Robinson never went to see a dentist, because he was afraid(害怕)可知鲁滨孙先生从来不去看牙医,因为他害怕,所以该选A。 考点:故事类阅读。

补全对话 有两个选项多余(5分,每空1分)

A: Hi, Mike. The summer vacation is coming. 1.________

B: Yes, I’m going to Hong Kong for vacation.

A: 2.______

B: I’m going there with my parents.

A: 3.______

B: We’re staying there for two weeks.

A. 4._____

B: Well. We are visiting some of our friends and going sightseeing.

A: When are you leaving?

B: We are leaving next Friday.

A: I hope you will have a great time there.

B: 5.____

A. Where are you going for vacation?

B. Do you have a plan for vacation?

C. How long are you staying there?

D. Thank you.

E. What are doing there?

F. We will have a good time there.

G. Who are you going there with?




Li Ming     often late for school. The teacher is very angry with him. “   are you often late for school?” asks the teacher. “Because I often get up     ,” answers Li Ming. “     clock can wake (唤醒)you up,” says the teacher.“Yes, you are     .But it    work ,” says Li Ming.“Why don't you      it?” asks the teacher again.“Oh, I don't want it to work    ,” answers Li Ming.“If all of us are late for school,    do you like it?” says the teacher.“Oh, that's great! There will be   schools in the world,” says Li Ming with a smile.

1.A. do         B. be       C. does      D. is

2.A. Why        B. When     C. What    D. Where

3.A. quickly    B. early   C. late    D. slowly

4.A. You       B. Your      C. Yours     D. Yourself

5.A. right     B. wrong    C. fine    D. OK

6.A. don't     B. doesn't C. isn't     D. not

7.A.take       B. bring    C. make     D. mend(修理)

8.A. good      B. nice     C. well     D. fine

9.A. what       B. why       C. how       D. where

10.A. no        B. not      C. little    D. without



——Your watch is so beautiful. It must be expensive.

——Not at all . I only _____$20 on it.

A take  B. pay   C. cost  D. spend



Do you know the _____ between these two words?

A. different   B. same

C. difference   D. difficult



When did you finish _____ the book last night?

A. reading         B. reads   C. read   D. to read



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