满分5 > 初中英语试题 >



anyway, impossible, succeed, another, no, six, once, plan, after, because

When he decided to produce his V-8 motor, Henry ford chose to make an eight- cylinder (汽缸) engine-block in one piece. But the engineers said that was 8___________

Ford said, "Produce it ______9_____."

"But," they replied, "it is impossible."

"Go ahead," Ford said, "and stay on the job until you   10   , no matter how much time is required."

Six months passed and nothing happened. Another   11     months passed, and still nothing happened, The engineers tried every possible   12    to carry out (执行)the orders , but lire request (要求) seemed impossible.

At the end of the year, the engineers again informed Ford they had found _ 13 way to carry out his orders.

"Go right ahead," said Ford. "I want it, and I'll have it."

They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke (轻触) of magic, the secret was discovered. Ford had won   14 more!

   Henry Ford was successful      15   one of his principles of success is that he believe what

he wants. If you can do this, you can equal (与……相当) your achievements in any calling for which you are suited.

1.______________  2. _____________ 3. _______________      4._____________

5.______________ 6. _____________ 7. _________________     8. _______________


1.impossible            2. anyway          3. succeed            4. six   5. plan                6. another         7. once               8.because 【解析】略


copy,  rise,  experience, save,  regard… as…,  mention,  be

1._____________ careful to look both ways before you cross the sheet.

2. —I_____________ my money so I can buy a car.

 — So am I.

3. Good boy! You're doing such a good job of_________ materials for me.

4. The old teacher used to get up before the sun _____so that he could catch the early bus to work.

5.Every baby_____ the apple of the parents' eye.

6. As a volunteer, she___________ love and hate, sadness and happiness in. the

past ten years.

7.He thinks it necessary____________ his sister in his speech, who has supported

him in his university study.



The magazine___________ be Lily's, for we can find her name on the cover.

A. may                  B. might            C. could            D. must



— Have you seen______ pen? I left one here this morning.

— Is it___________ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. the; the             B. a; a               C. the; a        D. a; the



Harry Potter is so interesting a book that lots of teenagers like to read _

A. it               B. this             C. that             D. one



— Could you please pass me the book?

A. Yes, I could                 B. No, I couldn't

C. Sure. Here you are           D. No, that's no problem



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